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Displaying 1 - 25 of 9838 results.


    • Journal article
    Foi, raison et liberté. Dominique Dubarle
    Riaudel, Olivier[UCL] (2014) Revue Théologique de Louvain. Cahiers — (2014)
    • BookChapter
    Efectos secundarios de la lectura en La lectora de Sergio Alvarez
    Degrande, François[UCL] (2014) Narcoficciones en América Latina —
    • BookChapter
    Competition over soil and subsoil: Land grabbing by local elites in Eastern DRC
    Claessens, Klara Mushagalusa Mudinga, Emery[UCL] Ansoms, An[UCL] (2014) Everyday Forms of Land Grabbing in the Great Lakes Region of Africa —
    • Journal article
    Un progetto ereditato: La scrittura e l’arte. Autografi d’artisti tra Medioevo e Rinascimento
    Pallottini, Elisa[UCL] Miglio, Luisa (2014) Studj Romanzi — Vol. 10, no.-, p. 39-84: 54-84 (2014)
    • BookChapter
    Institutional Pressure as a trigger for organisational identity change : The case of accreditation failure within seven European Business Schools
    Vas, Alain[UCL] (2014) The Institutional Development of Business Schools — [ISBN : 9780198713364]
    • Journal article
    Demystifying change management
    Vas, Alain[UCL] Lorthois, Lara Gilbert, Filip (2014) Deloitte Inside — , no.mars 2014, p. 34-39
    • Journal article
    La Educación Religiosa Escolar en el Magisterio de la Iglesia. Apreciación desde el contexto sociocultural chileno
    Araya, Héctor[UCL] (2014) Revista Electrónica de Educación Religiosa — Vol. 4, no.1, p. 1-20 (2014)
    • Journal article
    Quelle transformation d’engagements pratiques pour et par la participation ?
    Charles, Julien[UCL] Thevenot, Laurent (2014) Lien Social et Politiques : R I A C — Vol. ?, no.?, p. ? (2014)
    • Speech
    In situ stress, strain and dielectric measurements to understand electrostriction in anodic oxides
    Van Overmeere, Quentin[UCL] Blaffart, Frédéric[UCL] La Mantia, Fabio Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Di Quarto, Francesco Proost, Joris[UCL] (2014) 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Symposium Corrosion, Passivity and Oxide Films — Lausanne (CH)
    • BookChapter
    Activation Policies for the Unemployed and the International Human Rights Case Law on the Prohibition of Forced labour
    Dermine, Elise[UCL] (2014) Activation Policies for the Unemployed, The Right and the Duty to Work —
    • Journal article
    Il caso Lars von Trier
    Goriely, Serge[UCL] (2014) Ciemme —
    • Journal article
    Novel collective excitations in a hot scalar field theory
    Drewes, Marco[UCL] (2014) Physics Letters B — Vol. 732, p. 127-136 (2014)
    • Journal article
    Note sous CEDH 8 avril 2014
    Dorssemont, Filip[FUSL] (2014) European Human Rights — Vol. 8, no. 31045/10, p. 444-453 (2014)
    • Journal article
    Esthétique du supplice. Une lecture de "Ce qu'il faut d'amour à l'homme" de Julien Green
    Hernandez-Dispaux, Joaquim[UCL] (2014) Les Lettres Romanes — Vol. "n/a", no."n/a", p. "n/a" (2014)
    • Journal article
    Est-il justifié de prescrire de l’aspirine après une thrombose veineuse ?
    Hermans, Cédric[UCL] (2014) Louvain médical — Vol. 133, no.2, p. 59-65 (2014)
    • Journal article
    The implicit function theorem and its substitutes in Poincaré׳s qualitative theory of differential equations
    Mawhin, Jean[UCL] (2014) Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics — Vol. 47, p. 124-130 (2014)
