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Displaying 19 results.
    • Journal article
    Metabolic design of macroscopic bioreaction models: application to Chinese hamster ovary cells.
    Provost, Agnès[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N. Bastin, Georges[UCL] Schneider, Yves-Jacques[UCL] (2006) Bioprocess and biosystems engineering — Vol. 29, no. 5-6, p. 349-66 (2006)
    • Speech
    Characterization of immobilized laccase on Celite® and elimination of the endocrine disrupting substance bisphenol A in a packed-bed bioreactor
    Cabana, Hubert[UCL] Alexandre, Céline[UCL] Jones, J. Peter Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2006) 41st Central Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, Canada Centre for Inland Waters — Burlington, Ontario, Canada
    • BookChapter
    Biological assessment and remediation of contaminated sediments
    El Fantroussi, Saïd[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] Pieper, D.H. Witzig, R. Camara, B. Gabriel-Jürgens, L. Junca, H. Zanaroli, G. Fava, F. Perez-Jimenez, J.R. Young, L.Y. Hamonts, K. Lookman, R. Maesen, M. Diels, Ludo Dejonghe, W. Dijk, J. Springael, Dirk (2006) Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Worksop on Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 18-21 May 2005. 2006, XXII, 246 p. — [ISBN : 978-1-4020-4957-6]
    • Journal article
    Influence of Aspergillus niger inoculum size upon the kinetics of macromolecule degradation under transient operating conditions
    Coulibaly, Lacina[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2006) European Journal of Scientific Research — Vol. 15, no. 1, p. 38-51 (2006)
    • Speech
    Changes in soil bacterial communities after TNT contamination studied by culture dependent and independent approaches, Book of Abstracts, p. 57
    George, Isabelle[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2006) International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology (International, European & Japanese Symposium: ISEB-ESEB-JSEB) — Leipzig, Germany
    • Speech
    Isolation and characterization of a Paracoccus sp. chrysene degrader, Book of Abstracts, p 128, Poster n° BIM.65
    Pouli, Maria[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2006) 2nd FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists Integrating Microbial Knowledge into Human Life — Madrid, Spain
    • BookChapter
    Chlorinated solvents biodegradation and nickel bioimmobilization in historically contaminated anaerobic sediments
    Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2006) Biomonitoring, Bioavailability and Microbial Transformation of Pollutants in Sediments and Approaches to Stimulate their Biodegradation, Soil Remediation — [ISBN : 88-88214-32-1]
    • BookChapter
    Uncertainty and research needs in the area of biological restoration of contaminated sediments
    Fava, Fabio Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2006) Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, NATO Science Series, IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences — [ISBN : 1-4020-4958-7]
    • BookChapter
    Fava, Fabio Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2006) Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments — [ISBN : 1-4020-4958-7]
    • Speech
    Changes in the soil Acidobacteria communities due to TNT contamination, Book of Abstracts, p. A126 (poster)
    George, Isabelle[UCL] Liles, M.R. Goodman, R.M. Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2006) 11th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME-11 : The Hidden Powers, Microbial Commubities in Action) — Vienna, Austria
    • Speech
    Advantages and challenges of vaccine development in insect cells
    Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2006) International Association for Biologicals (IABs)International Scientific Workshop New Cells for New Vaccines : Focus on Plant and Insect Cell Technologies — Coral Gables, Florida, USA
    • Speech
    Degradation of mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by a new Sphingomonas strain
    Pouli, Maria[UCL] Hym, Piseth[UCL] Hubert, Axelle[UCL] Schuler, Luc[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2006) Poster Presentation at the International Conference on Environmental Biotechnology, ISEB/ESEB/JSEB 2006 — Leipzig, Germany
    • Speech
    Genetic analysis of phenanthrene degrading Sphingomonas sp. LH128
    Schuler, Luc[UCL] Pouli, Maria[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2006) International conference on environmental biotechnology, ISEB ESEB JSEB 2006 — Leipzig, Germany