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Displaying 24 results.
    • Journal article
    Image compression by self-organized Kohonen map
    Amerijckx, C Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] Thissen, P. (1998) IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks — Vol. 9, no. 3, p. 503-507 (1998)
    • Journal article
    Selective prediction error transmission using motion information
    Hanssens, E Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] Chupeau, B Macq, Benoît[UCL] (1998) Signal Processing: Image Communication — Vol. 12, no. 1, p. 71-81 (1998)
    • Journal article
    Architecture of a memory manager for an MPEG-2 video decoding circuit
    Cantineau, O Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] Petit, Laurenne[UCL] (1998) Journal of V L S I Signal Processing — Vol. 20, no. 3, p. 251-265 (1998)
    • Speech
    An Hierarchical Ring Network for Embedded Reconfigurable Systems
    Amerijckx, Christophe[UCL] Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] (1998) PACT'98, Int. Conf. On Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing — Paris (France)
    • Speech
    A Low-cost VLIW DSP Architectures for Communication Equipment
    Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] Petit, Laurent[UCL] (1998) URSI International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics — Pise (Italy)
    • Speech
    A new active skeletal model for shape description.
    Macq, Benoît[UCL] Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] Cantineau, Olivier[UCL] (1998) IEE Colloquium on Computer Vision for Virtual Human Modeling — London (UK)
    • Speech
    Design of a multi-FPGA system for rapid prototyping experimentation
    Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] David, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (1998) 2nd European workshop on Microelectronics Education — Noordwijkerhout (NL)
    • Speech
    Efficient parallelisation of an MPEG-2 codec on a TMS320C80 video processor
    Cantineau, Olivier Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] (1998) IEEE International Conference on Image Processing — Chicago (USA)
    • Speech
    Design of an IP-Based Modular Architecture for an MPEG-2 Video Decoding Circuit
    Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] Petit, Laurent[UCL] (1998) International Workshop on IP based synthesis and system design — Grenoble (France)
    • Speech
    An on-line hand-written character recognition system dedicated to blind people
    Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] de Saint Moulin, Renaud[UCL] Deville, Yves[UCL] (1998) IEE 3d European Workshop on Handwriting Analysis and Recognition — Brussels (Belgium)
    • Speech
    A Reconfigurable System for Intelligent Processing At Communication Terminal
    Amerijckx, Christophe[UCL] Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] (1998) COST #254 workshop on Intelligent Communications — L'Aquila (Italy)
    • Speech
    A low-power multiprocessor architecture for embedded reconfigurable systems
    Amerijckx, Christophe[UCL] Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] (1998) Patmos'98, International workshop on power, timing, modeling optimization and simulation — Lyngby (Danemark)
    • Speech
    An adaptive pre-processing for on-line hand-written character recognition by blind people
    Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] de Saint Moulin, Renaud[UCL] Deville, Yves[UCL] (1998) ICAPR'98, invited paper. Proc. of the Intern. Conf. On Advances in Pattern Recognition — Plymouth (UK)
    • Speech
    Architecture of a reconfigurable system based on an embedded FPPA
    Amerijckx, Christophe[UCL] Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] (1998) SPIE Conference on Configurable Computing : Technology and Applications — Boston (USA)
    • Speech
    A new processor architecture exploiting ILP with a reduced instruction word
    Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] Petit, Laurent[UCL] (1998) IEE Colloquium on High Performance Architectures for real-time image processing — London (UK)
    • Speech
    A Data-Flow Oriented Co-Design for Reconfigurable Systems
    Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] David, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (1998) 9th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping — Leuven (Belgique)
    • Speech
    A dedicated multiprocessor architecture for AC motors control
    Grenier, Damien[UCL] Labrique, Francis[UCL] De la Vallée Poussin, Henri[UCL] Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] (1998) IECON'98, 24th annual conf. of the IEEE industrial electronics society — Aachen (Germany)
    • Speech
    A multi-FPGA based coprocessor for digital signal processing
    Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] David, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (1998) IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Symposium - SPS'98 — Leuven (Belgium)
    • Speech
    An architecture of Security Management Unit for Safe Hosting of Multiple Agents
    Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] Quisquater, Jean-Jacques[UCL] Gilmont, Tanguy[UCL] (1998) Cost #254 International Workshop on Intelligent Communication and Multimedia Terminals — Ljubljanna (Slovenia)
    • Speech
    Programmable architectures for subband coding : FPGA-based systems versus dedicated VLSI chip
    Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] David, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Desneux, Pierre[UCL] (1998) IEEE 2nd IMACS Int. Multiconf. CESA'98 Computional Engineering in Systems Applications — Nabeul-Hammamet (Tunisia)
    • Speech
    An electronic device for nerve stimulation
    Trullemans, Charles[UCL] Amerijckx, Christophe[UCL] Mevel, Herve[UCL] Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] Troosters, Michel Doguet, Pascal[UCL] (1998) Workshop on Industrial Microtechnology Applications — Madrid (Spain)
    • Speech
    A FPGA-Based Implementation of Adaptive Sound Filtering
    Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] David, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (1998) 9th Int. Conf. On Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing - CSSP'98 — Mierlo (Netherlands)
    • Speech
    VLIW processor architecture adapted to FPAs
    Petit, Laurenne[UCL] Legat, Jean-Didier[UCL] (1998) Advanced Focal Plane Arrays and Electronic Cameras II — Zurich, Switzerland