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Displaying 1 - 25 of 2322 results.


    • Journal article
    On the resolution of magnetostatic and magnetodynamic mixed formulations
    Remacle, J.-F. Dular, P. Henrotte, F. Genon, A. Legros, W. (1997) IEEE Transactions on Magnetics — Vol. 33, no.2 PART 2, p. 1768-1771 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Magnetostatic and magnetodynamic mixed formulations compared with conventional formulations
    Dular, P. Remacle, J.-F.[UCL] Henrotte, F. Genon, A. Legros, W. (1997) IEEE Transactions on Magnetics — Vol. 33, no.2 PART 2, p. 1302-1305 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Evaluation of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in supraglottic carcinoma
    Liu, M. Lawson, Georges[UCL] Delos, Monique[UCL] Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Remacle, Marc[UCL] (1997) Acta Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica Belgica — Vol. 51, no. 3, p. 129-135 (1997)
    • Journal article
    CO2 laser in the diagnosis and treatment of early cancer of the vocal fold
    Remacle, Marc[UCL] Lawson, Georges[UCL] Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Minet, Michèle[UCL] Watelet, J. B. Delos, Monique[UCL] (1997) European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology — Vol. 254, no. 4, p. 169-176 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Tricuspid valve repair for tricuspid valve endocarditis after Fallot repair
    d'Udekem, Yves[UCL] Sluysmans, Thierry[UCL] Rubay, Jean[UCL] (1997) The Annals of Thoracic Surgery — Vol. 63, no. 3, p. 830-832 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Disseminated Mycobacterium avium infection in a child with decreased tumour necrosis factor production
    Tuerlinckx, David[UCL] Vermylen, Christiane[UCL] Brichard, Bénédicte[UCL] Ninane, J. Cornu, Guy[UCL] (1997) European Journal of Pediatrics — Vol. 156, no. 3, p. 204-206 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Ross procedure in congenital patients: results and left ventricular function
    Rubay, Jean[UCL] Shango-Lody La Ndjeka Pasu, Polycarpe[UCL] Clément De Cléty, Stéphan[UCL] Ovaert, Caroline[UCL] Matta, Amine[UCL] Vliers, André[UCL] Sluysmans, Thierry[UCL] (1997) European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery — Vol. 11, no. 1, p. 92-99 (1997)
    • Journal article
    A case of neonatal ductus arteriosus aneurysm
    d'Udekem, Yves[UCL] Rubay, Jean[UCL] Sluysmans, Thierry[UCL] (1997) Cardiovascular Surgery — Vol. 5, no. 3, p. 338-339 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Long-term stability of vancomycin hydrochloride in intravenous infusions.
    Galanti, Laurence[UCL] Hecq, Jean-Daniel[UCL] Vanbeckbergen, Danielle[UCL] Jamart, Jacques[UCL] (1997) Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics — Vol. 22, no. 5-6, p. 353-6 (1997)
    • Journal article
    MR imaging of equivocal femoral head lesions: diagnosis or prognosis?
    Vande Berg, Bruno[UCL] Maldague, Baudouin[UCL] Malghem, Jacques[UCL] (1997) Radiology — Vol. 203, no. 1, p. 290-291 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Sonographic findings in patients with dialysis-related amyloidosis
    Malghem, Jacques[UCL] Vande Berg, Bruno[UCL] Jadoul, Michel[UCL] Maldague, Baudouin[UCL] (1997) American Journal of Roentgenology — Vol. 168, no. 3, p. 844 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Neuroleptic binding to sigma receptors: possible involvement in neuroleptic-induced acute dystonia
    Jeanjean, Anne[UCL] Laterre, Emile-Christian[UCL] Maloteaux, Jean-Marie[UCL] (1997) Biological Psychiatry — Vol. 41, no. 10, p. 1010-1019 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Household survey of locomotor disability caused by poliomyelitis and landmines in Afghanistan.
    Lambert, M L François, I Salort, C Slypen, V Bertrand, F.[UCL] Tonglet, René[UCL] (1997) BMJ (Clinical research ed.) — Vol. 315, no. 7120, p. 1424-5 (1997)
    • Journal article
    MR assessment of red marrow distribution and composition in the proximal femur: correlation with clinical and laboratory parameters
    Vande Berg, Bruno[UCL] Lecouvet, Frédéric[UCL] Moysan, Philippe[UCL] Maldague, Baudouin[UCL] Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Malghem, Jacques[UCL] (1997) Skeletal Radiology : journal of radiology, pathology and orthopedics — Vol. 26, no. 10, p. 589-596 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Comment corriger un anisométrope?
    Spiritus, Micheline[UCL] (1997) Bulletin de la Société belge d'ophtalmologie — Vol. 264, p. 57-61 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Madelung deformity as a feature of the Leri-Layani-Weill syndrome or dyschondrosteosis.
    Sharif, K Saint-Martin, C Clapuyt, Philippe[UCL] (1997) Journal belge de radiologie — Vol. 80, no. 6, p. 292-3 (1997)
    • Journal article
    MR imaging of bone infarction and epiphyseal osteonecrosis
    Vande Berg, Bruno[UCL] Malghem, Jacques[UCL] Lecouvet, Frédéric[UCL] Noël, Henri[UCL] Maldague, Baudouin[UCL] (1997) Journal Belge de Radiologie — Vol. 80, no. 5, p. 243-250 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Early diagnosis of acute intestinal ischaemia: contribution of colour Doppler sonography
    Danse, Etienne[UCL] Laterre, Pierre-François[UCL] Van Beers, Bernard[UCL] Goffette, Pierre[UCL] Dardenne, André-Noël[UCL] Pringot, Jacques[UCL] (1997) Acta Chirurgica Belgica (Bilingual Edition) — Vol. 97, no. 4, p. 173-176 (1997)
