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Displaying 1 - 25 of 3045 results.


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    Développement cognitivo-auditif, langagier et moteur de l’enfant.
    Lacroix, Emilie[UCL] (2016) Cours d’audiométrie du jeune enfant. — Institut Portmann, Bordeaux.
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    Exposition itinérante. Les Congolais dans la Grande Guerre : Inconnus à cette adresse
    Brosens, Griet Cornet, Anne Ngongo, Enika[FUSL] (2016) Exposition itinérante. Les Congolais dans la Grande Guerre : Inconnus à cette adresse — Bruxelles - Anvers - Ostende - Namur
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    Environmental regulation and eco-innovation: insights from diffusion of innovations theory
    Bitat, Abdelfeteh[FUSL] (2016) 18th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference — American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirats
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    Comment utiliser la grammaire cognitive dans le contexte de l’allemand comme langue étrangère
    Suner Munoz, Ferran[UCL] (2016) Seminaire du sciences du langage — Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles
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    Three judgments mobility regimes
    Marique, Enguerrand[UCL] (2016) Postgraduate Conference: Moving Together, 4 May — Durham University, Durham Geography Instiute, United Kingdom
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    Ableism at work: Disability/able-bodiedness as a principle of organizing in three regimes of organizations
    Jammaers, Eline[UCL] Hardonk, Stefan Zanoni, Patrizia (2016) Silence, Significance and White Space, 12th International Conference on Organizational Discourse — Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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    Maintien des valeurs dans la croissance de la bio. Enseignements du projet HealthyGrowth
    Lamine, Claire Egon, Noe Bui, Sibylle[UCL] (2016) Carrefours de l'innovation agronomique — Rennes, France
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    Migrer de Claroline vers Moodle. Partage d'expérience de l'Université catholique de Louvain (épisode 1)
    Michel, Marianne[UCL] Motte, Isabelle[UCL] Fervaille, Frédéric[UCL] Delghust, Jean-Luc[UCL] (2016) MoodleMoot & MaharaHui FR 2016 — HES-SO Valais - Wallis - Rue de la plaine, 2 - Sierre, Suisse
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    Boundary states of the potts model on random planar maps
    Niedner, Benjamin Atkin, Max R.[UCL] Wheater, John F. (2016) Karl Schwarzschild Meeting on Gravitational Physics, KSM 2013 — Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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    A mathematical model for the transcription factor network driving hepatocyte differentiation
    Claude Gérard[UCL] (2016) Keystone symposia « stem cells and regeneration in the digestive organs » — Keystone, Colorado, USA
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    La crédibilité pour seule efficacité ?
    Kaminski, Dan[UCL] (2016) Le bracelet électronique : état des lieux, état des savoirs Electronic monitoring : current situation, current knowledge — Télécoms ParisTech (Paris, 13e)
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    'Conspiring Could Be Rational After All' (So Say Free Will Illusionists)
    Sartenaer, Olivier[UCL] (2016) Science and Conspiracy — Université de Padoue
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    Arbitration exclusion under the Brussels Recast Regulation: mutual trust and jurisdictional protection
    Marique, Enguerrand[UCL] (2016) Postgraduate Legal Research Conference: Embracing New Approaches — Queen Mary University London, London, United Kingdom
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    Doing Research on Resistance: Departing from a Conceptualization in Terms of Social Spaces
    Murru, Sarah[UCL] (2016) Resistances: Between Theories and the Field — Université libre de Bruxelles
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    Poésie et images : chemins buissonniers
    Reverseau, Anne[UCL] (2016) Séminaire des masters (Mathilde Labbé) — Université de Nantes
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    Willy Kessels and Albert Guislain, a collaborative look on Brussels
    Reverseau, Anne[UCL] (2016) Conference Book and the City — University of Maastricht, The Netherlands
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    Everyday photography in illustrated books dealing with countries (1950s and 1960s)
    Reverseau, Anne[UCL] (2016) 4th International Conf. of Photography & Theory (ICPT 2016):"Photography and the Everyday" — Nicosia, Cyprus
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    Acidosis drives the reprogramming of both fatty acid oxidation and synthesis in cancer cells
    Corbet, Cyril[UCL] (2016) Cell-VIB symposium: Hallmarks of cancer — Ghent (Belgium)
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    Biological control agents: solutions & constraints for sustainable crop production in a changing world
    Declerck, Stephan[UCL] (2016) Microbiome-based Foods for Health and Sustainability, the APC Microbiome Institute — Brussels, Belgium
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    Le burlesque comme instrument de discernement spirituel dans l'Examen de la théologie mystique de Jean CHéron (1657)
    Duyck, Clément[UCL] (2016) Le rire antimystique — Amiens, Université de Picardie Jules Verne
