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Displaying 11 - 50 of 477 results.


    • Journal article
    Family history of hypertension is not an independent genetic factor predisposing to ischemic stroke subtypes.
    Laloux, Patrice[UCL] Ossemann, Michel Jamart, Jacques[UCL] (2007) Clinical neurology and neurosurgery — Vol. 109, no. 3, p. 247-9 (2007)
    • Journal article
    Assessment of left atrial shape and volume in structural remodeling secondary to atrial fibrillation.
    Floria, Mariana Blommaert, Dominique[UCL] Lacrosse, Marc[UCL] Ambarus, Valentin DORMAL, Fabien[UCL] Dabiri Abkenari, Lara Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Rezus, Ciprian Cozma, Dragos De Roy, Lucas[UCL] (2009) Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology : an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing — Vol. 25, no. 3, p. 167-70 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Long-term stability of sodium folinate in dextrose 5% polyolefin bags at 4degreesC.
    Cadrobbi, Julie Hecq, Jean-Daniel Vanbeckbergen, Danielle Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Galanti, Laurence[UCL] (2007) Journal of oncology pharmacy practice : official publication of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners — Vol. 13, no. 2, p. 99-103 (2007)
    • Journal article
    Rehabilitation of high-frequency hearing loss with the RetroX (R) auditory implant
    Garin, Pierre Gersdorff, Michel[UCL] Genard, F[UCL] Galle, C[UCL] Fameree, MH[UCL] Jamart, Jacques[UCL] (2005) Acta Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica Belgica — Vol. 1, no. 1, p. 17-23 (2005)
    • Journal article
    Is frozen section reliable in transoral CO(2) laser-assisted cordectomies?
    Remacle, Marc[UCL] Matar, Nayla[UCL] Delos, Monique[UCL] Nollevaux, Marie-Cécile[UCL] Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Lawson, Georges[UCL] (2009) European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology — Vol. 267, no. 3, p. 397-400 (2010)
    • Journal article
    Comparison between the Percutwist and the Ciaglia percutaneous tracheotomy techniques.
    Remacle, Marc[UCL] Lawson, Georges[UCL] Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Trussart, Catherine Bulpa, Pierre[UCL] (2008) European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology — Vol. 265, no. 12, p. 1515-9 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Pulsed Doppler intraoperative flow assessment and midterm coronary graft patency.
    Louagie, Yves[UCL] Brockmann, C E Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Schroeder, Erwin[UCL] Buche, Michel[UCL] Eucher, Philippe[UCL] Schoevaerdts, Jean-Claude[UCL] (1998) The Annals of thoracic surgery — Vol. 66, no. 4, p. 1282-7; discussion 1288 (1998)
    • Journal article
    A comment on Gefeller and Brenner's chance-corrected sensitivity and specificity.
    Jamart, Jacques[UCL] (1998) Methods of information in medicine — Vol. 37, no. 3, p. 307-8; discussion 309-10 (1998)
    • Journal article
    Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: a case-matched comparison of hemodynamic outcome.
    Louagie, Yves[UCL] Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Broka, Serge[UCL] Collard, Edith[UCL] SCAVEE, VINCENT[UCL] Gonzalez, Manuel[UCL] (2002) European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery — Vol. 22, no. 4, p. 552-8 (2002)
    • Journal article
    Socioeconomic outcome of subjects experiencing asthma symptoms at work.
    Larbanois, Alexandra[UCL] Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Delwiche, J. P. Vandenplas, Olivier[UCL] (2002) The European Respiratory Journal — Vol. 19, no. 6, p. 1107-13 (2002)
    • Journal article
    Does negative expiratory pressure influence performances of spirometry in older patients?
    Vanpee, Dominique[UCL] Swine, Christian[UCL] Delwiche, J. P. Jamart, Jacques[UCL] Delaunois, Luc[UCL] (2002) The European Respiratory Journal — Vol. 20, no. 3, p. 674-678 (2002)
