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Displaying 1 - 25 of 483 results.


    • Speech
    Solid-state hydrogen storage: economy.
    Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] (2017) Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) — Moscow, Russia
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    Hydrogen dynamics in novel complex hydrides (poster)
    Babanova, O. A. Skoryunov, R. V. Soloninin, A. V. Morelle, Fabrice[UCL] Skripov, A. V. Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] (2017) Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Hydrogen-Metal Systems — Stonehill College, Easton (USA)
    • Speech
    Perspectives and challenges of metal boron hydrides for energy applications
    LI, H.-W. He, L. Nakajima, H. Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] Hagemann, H. Jensen, T. R. Akiba, E. (2017) E-MRS Fall Meeting, Symposium C - Multifunctionaity of metal hydrides for energy storage - Developments and perspectives — Warsaw (Poland)
    • Speech
    Hydrogen dynamics in novel complex hydrides
    Babanova O.A.[UCL] Skoryunov R.V. Soloninin A.V. Morelle, Fabrice[UCL] Skripov A.V. Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] (2017) Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Hydrogen-Metal Systems — Stonehill College, Easton, MA, USA
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    Potassium tetraamidoboranealuminate, K[Al(NH2BH3)4]: synthesis, characterization and thermal decomposition
    Jørgensen M. Andreasen J.G. Skibsted J. Lodziana Z. Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] Jensen T.R. (2017) Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Hydrogen-Metal Systems — Stonehill College, Easton, MA, USA
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    Ultrafast H motion in lithium benzoimidozolate-borohydride Li2(bIm)(BH4)
    Skripov A.V. Soloninin A.V. Babanova O.A. Skoryunov R.V. Morelle, Fabrice[UCL] Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] Dimitrievska M. Zhou W. Udovic T.J. (2017) Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Hydrogen-Metal Systems — Stonehill College, Easton, MA, USA
    • Speech
    Chemical design of covalent hydrides for H-storage
    Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] (2018) Plénières du Groupement de Recherche (GdR) HySPàC (Hydrogène, Systèmes et Piles à Combustible) — Grenoble (France)
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    Solid-state hydrogen storage: new chemistry.
    Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] (2018) Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds (INEOS), — Moscow, Russia
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    Improved reaction cells for mechanochemical experiments followed in-situ by X-ray powder diffraction
    Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] Ban V. Tumanov Nikolay Černý R. Sadikin Y. Schouwink P. (2018) The 1st International Workshop on Mechanochemistry of Metal Hydrides (WMMH-18) — Oslo, Norway
    • Speech
    Denser hydrogen in smaller pores ? (serving as Belgian expert)
    Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] (2017) International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (HIA) Hydrogen-based energy storage — Schloss Ringberg (Germany)
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    Low-melting hydrides for all solid state microbatteries
    Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] (2018) International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (HIA) Task 32 (Hydrogen-based energy storage) meeting — Island of San Servolo, Venice, Italy
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    Closer look at the atomic scale helps a lot in materials science.
    Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] (2017) Toyota Europe — Zaventem, Belgium
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    Physisorption in porous Mg(BH4)2
    Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] (2018) CIMTEC 2018, 8th Forum on New Materials — Perugia, Italy
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    Denser hydrogen in smaller pores?
    Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] (2017) International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (HIA) Task 32 (Hydrogen-based energy storage) meeting — Schloss Ringberg, Germany
    • Speech
    Peculiar interaction of guests with porous γ-Mg(BH4)2
    Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] (2017) E-MRS Fall Meeting — Warsaw, Poland
