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Displaying 1 - 25 of 26 results.


    • Journal article
    Glycerol acetylation on sulphated zirconia in mild conditions
    Dosuna Rodriguez, Inmaculada[UCL] Adriany, Corentin[UCL] Gaigneaux, Eric M.[UCL] (2011) Catalysis Today — Vol. 167, p. 56-63 (2011)
    • Speech
    Total oxidation of aromatic VOC with VOx/TiO2 catalysts: who does the job?
    Delaigle, Romain[UCL] Debecker, Damien P.[UCL] Gaigneaux, Eric M.[UCL] (2011) 7th international symposium on group V elements — Riccione, Italy
    • Journal article
    Preparation of MoO3/SiO2-Al2O3 metathesis catalysts via wet impregnation with different Mo precursors
    Debecker, Damien P.[UCL] Stoyanova, Mariana Rodemerck, Uwe Gaigneaux, Eric M.[UCL] (2011) Journal of molecular catalysis a-chemical — Vol. 340, no. 1-2, p. 65-76 (2011)
    • Speech
    Hybrid materials as catalysts for olefins epoxidation : the case of Keggin polyoxotungstate with a zwitterionic polymer matrix (poster)
    Swalus, Colas[UCL] Devillers, Michel[UCL] Gaigneaux, Eric M.[UCL] (2011) International Symposium on Advanced Complex Inorganic Nanomaterials (ACIN2011) — Namur, Belgium
    • BookChapter
    Glycerol acetylation catalyzed by ion exchange resins
    Dosuna Rodriguez, Inmaculada[UCL] Gaigneaux, Eric M.[UCL] (2011) Proc. book of the 1st Intl Congress on Catalysis for Biorefineries, 2011 — [ISBN : 978-8493912031]
