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Displaying 1 - 25 of 323 results.


    • Speech
    Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) grafted into nanopores: Thermo-responsive behaviour in the presence of different salts
    Alem, Halima[UCL] Jonas, Alain M.[UCL] Demoustier-Champagne, Sophie[UCL] (2010) 5th International Conference on Polymer Modification, Degradation and Stabilisation — Liege(Belgium)
    • Speech
    Trajectory Clustering for Vibration Detection in Aircraft Engines
    Hazan, Aurélien Verleysen, Michel[UCL] Cottrell, Marie Lacaille, Jérôme (2010) Industrial Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2010) — Berlin (Germany)
    • BookChapter
    Refining Sparse Principal Components
    Journée, M. Bach, F.H. Absil, Pierre-Antoine[UCL] Sepulchre, Rodolphe[UCL] (2010) Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering — [ISBN : 978-3-642-12597-3]
    • Speech
    Metabolic Parameters in a Subset of Patients in the Scop Study
    De Heat, Marc[UCL] Mittoux, Aurelia He, Yuan Peuskens, Joseph[UCL] (2010) 2nd Conference of the Schizophrenia-International-Research-Society (SIRS) — Florence(Italy)
    • BookChapter
    Les auto-glucométries ambulatoires dans le suivi du diabète sucré
    Hermans, Michel[UCL] (2010) Manuel à l'usage du praticien : Automesures et mesures à domicile chez le patient à risque cardiovasculaire —
    • Speech
    Interférence dans le dosage de la cyclosporinémie par la méthode ACMIA en transplantation d'organe : appel à la prudence!
    Morelle, Johann[UCL] Wallemacq, Pierre[UCL] Van Caenegem, Olivier[UCL] Goffin, Eric[UCL] (2010) 12e Réunion commune de la Société de Néphrologie (SN) et de la Société Francophone de Dialyse (SFD) — (Belgium) Brussels
    • BookChapter
    David et Jonathan en peinture : un unique tableau de Rembrandt ?
    Burnet, Régis[UCL] (2010) David et Jonathan. Histoire d’un mythe — [ISBN : 978-2-7010-1572-9]
    • BookChapter
    Deux fragments inédits de l’In Isaiam de Cyrille d’Alexandrie
    Zaganas, Dimitrios[UCL] (2010) Studia Patristica. Vol. XLVIII. From the Fifth Century: Greek Writers, Latin Writers, Nachleben — [ISBN : 9789042923744]
    • BookChapter
    Vivere con una malattia cronica : lo sviluppo di une nuova identità di salute
    Aujoulat, Isabelle[UCL] (2010) La comunicazione della salute - Un manuale — [ISBN : 978-88-6030-298-4]
    • Speech
    Multiple functions of luminescence from lantern shark photophores
    Claes, Julien[UCL] Mallefet, Jérôme[UCL] (2010) 14th European Elasmobranch Association Conference Abstracts — Galway, Irlande
    • Speech
    HPLC-MS/MS assay for the determination of imatinib and its metabolite CGP74588 concentrations in plasma
    Westley, I.[UCL] Wallemacq, Pierre[UCL] Di Fazio, V. Vanbinst, R. (2010) 3rd Asian Pacific Conference of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry — Hong Kong (Peoples R China)
    • BookChapter
    Les montants affectés aux cultes et à la laïcité
    Husson, Jean-François[UCL] (2010) Le financement public des religions et de la laïcité en Belgique — [ISBN : 978-2-87209-961-0]
    • Speech
    Ensemble Modeling with a Constrained Linear System of Leave-One-Out Outputs
    Miché, Yoan Eirola, Emile Bas, Patrick Simula, Olli Jutten, Christian Lendasse, Amaury Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2010) 18th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks - Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2010) — Bruges (Belgium)
    • BookChapter
    Organization : Type of grafts, Conservation, Regulation
    Schubert, Thomas[UCL] Cornu, Olivier[UCL] Delloye, Christian[UCL] (2010) The Meniscus — [ISBN : 978-3-642-02449-8]
    • Speech
    Using Special Use Cases for Security in the SoftwareDevelopment Life Cycle
    Kabasele Tenday, Jean-Marie[UCL] (2010) Workshop on Information Security Application - WISA 2010 — South Corea
    • Speech
    Evaluation of Diffuse Scattering Contribution for Delay Spread and Crosspolarization Ratio Prediction in an Indoor Scenario
    Mani, Francesco[UCL] Oestges, Claude[UCL] (2010) 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2010) — Barcelona, Spain
