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Displaying 1 - 25 of 135 results.


    • Journal article
    Modulation of glucagon-like peptide 1 and energy metabolism by inulin and oligofructose : experimental data
    Delzenne, Nathalie M.[UCL] Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] Neyrinck, Audrey M.[UCL] (2007) The Journal of Nutrition — Vol. 137, no. 11 Suppl, p. 2547S-2551S (2007)
    • Journal article
    Impact of inulin and oligofructose on gastrointestinal peptides
    Delzenne, Nathalie M.[UCL] Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] Daubioul, Catherine[UCL] Neyrinck, Audrey M.[UCL] (2005) The British Journal of Nutrition : an international journal of nutritional science — Vol. 93, no. Suppl 1, p. S157-S161 (2005)
    • Journal article
    Lipid peroxidation is not a prerequisite for the development of obesity and diabetes in high-fat-fed mice.
    Sohet, Florence[UCL] Neyrinck, Audrey M.[UCL] Dewulf, Evelyne[UCL] Bindels, Laure B.[UCL] Portois, Laurence Malaisse, Willy J. Carpentier, Yvon A. Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] Delzenne, Nathalie M.[UCL] (2009) The British Journal of Nutrition : an international journal of nutritional science — Vol. 102, no. 3, p. 462-469 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Gut microbiota fermentation of prebiotics increases satietogenic and incretin gut peptide production with consequences for appetite sensation and glucose response after a meal.
    Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] Lecourt, Elodie[UCL] Dewulf, Evelyne[UCL] Sohet, Florence[UCL] Pachikian, Barbara D.[UCL] Naslain, Damien[UCL] De Backer, Fabienne[UCL] Neyrinck, Audrey M.[UCL] Delzenne, Nathalie M.[UCL] (2009) American Journal of Clinical Nutrition : a journal reporting the practical application of our world-wide knowledge of nutrition — Vol. 90, no. 5, p. 1236-1243 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Les prébiotiques : bases scientifiques de leurs effets fonctionnels
    Delzenne, Nathalie M.[UCL] Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] Neyrinck, Audrey M.[UCL] (2004) NAFAS — Vol. 2, no. 3, p. 13-16 (2004)
    • Journal article
    Inhibition of hepatic macrophages counteracts the development of diabetes and obesity induced by high fat diet in mice
    Neyrinck, Audrey M.[UCL] Dewulf, Evelyne Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] Delzenne, Nathalie M.[UCL] (2007) Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism : European journal of nutrition, metabolic diseases and dietetics — Vol. 51, no.Suppl 1, p. 382 (2007)
