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Displaying 1 - 25 of 315 results.


    • Journal article
    Télétravail : Enjeux et Perspectives dans les Organisations
    Taskin, Laurent[UCL] (2002) Humanisme et Entreprise — Vol. 254, p. 81-101 (2002)
    • Speech
    A strategic supply chain planning tool for multisite enterprises
    Pirard, Florence[FUCAM] Artiba, Abdelhakim[FUCAM] Riane, Fouad[FUCAM] (2002) 7th European Logistics Association Doctorate Workshop — Monchy St. Eloi
    • Speech
    L'imposition des entreprises multinationales en Europe,
    Gérard, Marcel[FUCAM] (2002) Congrès de l'AFSE — Paris
    • Speech
    Integrating Liquidity Risk in a Parametric Intraday VaR Framework
    François-Heude, Alain[FUCAM] Van Wynendaele, Pascal[FUCAM] (2002) 7th Belgian Financial Research Forum — Liège
    • BookChapter
    Design of a 2-Stations Automated Guided Vehicle System
    Chevalier, Philippe[UCL] Pochet, Yves[UCL] Talbot, Laurence[UCL] (2002) Quantitative Approaches to Distribution Logistics and Supply Chain Management — [ISBN : 978-3-540-43690-4]
    • Journal article
    Deposit Rate Regulation and Risk Taking by Banks
    Grégoire, Philippe Reding, Paul Platten, Isabelle[FUCAM] (2002) Revue Bancaire et Financière - Bank en Financiewezen — Vol. 39509, p. 132-137 (2002)
    • Speech
    Acamprosate and quality of life: Statistical and Clinical considerations
    Poldrugo, F Lehert, Philippe[FUCAM] (2002) Congress of the International Society for Addiction Medicine — Trieste, Italy
    • Speech
    Impact of active follow-up on abstinence in alcohol-dependent patients treated with acamprosate. Results of the CAPRISO study,
    Pelc, Isidore Lehert, Philippe[FUCAM] (2002) Congress of the International Society for Addiction Medicine, — Trieste, Italy
    • Speech
    Comportements spécifiques observés à la clôture sur Euronext Paris
    Gillard, Marie-France[FUCAM] (2002) Conférence sur la microstructure des marchés financiers et de change dans la zone euro — Lille
    • Speech
    Estimating customers' willingness-to-pay by means of a probabilistic elicitation method
    Zidda, Pietro[FUCAM] Derbaix, Maud[FUNDP] Sinigaglia, Nadia[FUCAM] (2002) Marketing Science Conference — Edmonton (University of Alberta), Canada
    • BookChapter
    Sexuality, midlife, Quality of Life and menopause.
    Dennerstein, Lorraine Burger, Henry Lehert, Philippe[FUCAM] (2002) Women's Health and Menopause: New strategies — [ISBN : 1402071493]
    • Journal article
    Multivariate Analysis and Rough sets : Two Approaches for Software Quality
    Meskens, Nadine[UCL] Levecq, Philippe[FUCAM] Lebon, Florence[FUCAM] (2002) International Transactions in Operational Research — Vol. 39516, p. 353-369 (2002)
    • Speech
    Acamprosate benefits assessed in a naturalistic One-year randomised trial, and new statistical developments in pragmatic analysis: The ARES study.
    Lehert, Philippe[FUCAM] (2002) International symposium on Setting the standard in treatment of alcohol-dependence — Roma, Italy
    • Speech
    Exact solution to nonlinear euler equations with stochastic interest rates
    Verschueren, Frédéric[FUCAM] (2002) Econometric Society European Meeting — Venise
    • Speech
    Exact solution to nonlinear euler equations with stochastic interest rates
    Verschueren, Frédéric[FUCAM] (2002) International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance — Rethymnon
    • Journal article
    Children's Reactions to Advertising Communication
    Pecheux, Claude[FUCAM] Derbaix, Christian[FUCAM] (2002) Advances in Consumer Research — Vol. 29, p. 531-538 (2002)
    • Journal article
    A comparison of rough sets and recursive partitioning induction approaches : an application to commercial loans
    Daubie, Mickaël[FUCAM] Meskens, Nadine [FUCAM] Levecq, Philippe[FUCAM] (2002) International Transactions in Operational Research — Vol. 39577, p. 681-694 (2002)
    • Speech
    Preference for improving sequences: the case of emotional commercials' pods
    Poncin, Ingrid[FUCAM] (2002) 31rst European Marketing Association Conference — Braga, Portugal
    • Speech
    A network analysis of modal choices for transport through Switzerland: methodology, data requirements and assessment
    Beuthe, Michel[FUCAM] (2002) the 2nd workshop of the European thematic network — Innsbruck
