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Displaying 1 - 25 of 1177 results.


    • Journal article
    Modeling of Semiconductor Substrates for RF Applications: Part I—Static and Dynamic Physics of Carriers and Traps
    Rack, Martin[UCL] Frédéric Allibert Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2021) IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices — Vol. 68, no.9, p. 4598-4605 (2021)
    • Journal article
    Modeling of Semiconductor Substrates for RF Applications: Part II—Parameter Impact on Harmonic Distortion
    Rack, Martin[UCL] Frédéric Allibert Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2021) IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices — Vol. 68, no.9, p. 4606-4613 (2021)
    • Journal article
    On‑chip environmentally assisted cracking in thin freestanding SiO2 films
    Jaddi, Sahar[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2021) Journal of Materials Research — Vol. 36, no. 12, p. 2479-2494 (2021)
    • Journal article
    Could Unsustainable Electronics Support Sustainability
    Moreau, Nicolas[UCL] Pirson, Thibault[UCL] Le Brun, Grégoire[UCL] Delhaye, Thibault[UCL] Sandu, Georgiana[UCL] Paris, Antoine[UCL] Bol, David[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2021) Sustainability — Vol. 13, no. 6541, p. 7 (2021)
    • Journal article
    A dynamic study for wafer-level bonding strength uniformity in low-temperature wafer bonding
    Zhang, XX Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2005) Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters — Vol. 8, no. 10, p. G268-G270 (2005)
    • Journal article
    Raman Strain-Shift Measurements and Prediction from First-Principles in Highly-Strained Silicon
    Roisin, Nicolas[UCL] Colla, Marie-Stéphane[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Flandre, Denis[UCL] (2023) Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics — Vol. 34, p. 373 (2023)
    • Journal article
    High-Temperature Characterization of Multiple Silicon-Based Substrate for RF-IC Applications
    Courte, Quentin[UCL] Rack, Martin[UCL] Nabet, Massinissa[UCL] Cardinael, Pieter[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2022) IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society — Vol. 10, no.1, p. 620-626 (2022)
    • Speech
    Control of sputtered VO2 thin film grain size through O2 concentration
    Bidoul, Noémie[UCL] Huet, Benjamin Ureña-Begara, Ferran Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Flandre, Denis[UCL] (2022) Micro and Nano Engineering conference (MNE) EUROSENSORS 2022 — Leuven, Belgium
    • Journal article
    Fully Depleted SOI Technology for Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits
    Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2022) IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society — Vol. 10, p. 424-434 (2022)
    • Journal article
    Back-Gate Lumped Resistance Effect on AC Characteristics of FD-SOI MOSFET
    Vanbrabant, Martin[UCL] Nyssens, Lucas[UCL] Kilchytska, Valeriya[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2022) IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters — Vol. 32, no.6, p. 704-707 (2022)
    • Journal article
    Towards circular ICT: from materials to components
    Ernst, Thomas Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2021) HiPEAC Vision 2021 — , p. 122-129 (2021)
    • Journal article
    The Environmental Footprint of IC Production: Review, Analysis and Lessons from Historical Trends
    Pirson, Thibault[UCL] Delhaye, Thibault P.[UCL] Pip, Alex[UCL] Brun, Gregoire Le[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Bol, David[UCL] (2023) IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing — Vol. 36, p. 56-67 (2023)
