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Displaying 1 - 25 of 232 results.


    • Journal article
    Determination of fs/fd for 7 TeV pp collisions and a measurement of the branching fraction of the decay B_d\to D^-K^+
    David, Pieter (2011) Physical Review Letters — Vol. 107, no.-, p. 211801 (2011)
    • Journal article
    In vitro irradiation station for broad beam radiobiological experiments
    Wéra, Anne-Catherine HEUSKIN, Anne-Catherine Riquier, H Michiels, Carine Lucas, S (2011) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms — Vol. 269, no.24, p. 3120-3124 (2011)
    • Journal article
    On the comparison of three methods of assessing beam quality for broad beam in vitro cell irradiation
    HEUSKIN, Anne-Catherine Wéra, Anne-Catherine Riquier, C Michiels, Carine Bulgheroni, A Jastrzab, M Caccia, M Lucas, S (2011) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms — Vol. 269, no.24, p. 3132-3136 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Lavoratore disabile: legittimità del rifiuto all'assunzione
    Degoli, Maria-Cristina[UCL] (2011) Diritto e Pratica del Lavoro — Vol. 43, no.43, p. 2553-2557 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Multidrug resistance in European Clostridium difficile clinical isolates.
    Spigaglia, Patrizia Barbanti, Fabrizio Mastrantonio, Paola (2011) The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy — Vol. 66, no. 10, p. 2227-34 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Légalité et égalité de l’exécution des peines en droit international pénal : un clair-obscur contrasté
    Scalia, Damien[FUSL] (2011) Revue de Science Criminelle et de Droit Pénal Comparé — Vol. 2011, no.4, p. 761-788 (2011)
    • Journal article
    A level set based model for damage growth: The thick level set approach
    Moës, Nicolas Stolz, C. Bernard, Paul-Emile[UCL] Chevaugeon, Nicolas (2011) International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering — Vol. 86, no.3, p. 358-380 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Probing peptide-inorganic surface interaction at the single molecule level using force spectroscopy
    Landoulsi, Jessem Dupres, Vincent (2011) ChemPhysChem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry — Vol. 12, no. 7, p. 1310-1316 (2011)
    • Journal article
    MOMMAERTS, MAURICE LAHY, EDMOND Reychler, Hervé[UCL] (2011) Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery — Vol. 39, no.1, p. 1 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Increase of serum lactate dehydrogenase caused by a macroenzyme. A case report.
    Fillee, C Van Hoof, V Larnbert, M (2011) Acta clinica Belgica — Vol. 66, no.1, p. 63-5 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Automated immunoassay for reliable measurement of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).
    Gruson, D Maisin, D Fillee, C (2011) Clinical laboratory — Vol. 57, no.1-2, p. 87-90 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Renewable resource and capital with a joy-of-giving resource bequest motive
    Bréchet, Thierry[UCL] Lambrecht, Stéphane (2011) Resource and Energy Economics — Vol. 33, no.4, p. 981-994 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Il "turco" e l’inquisitore. Schiavi musulmani e processi per magia nel Bagno di Livorno (XVII secolo)
    Santus, Cesare[UCL] (2011) Societa e Storia (Milan) — Vol. 133, no.-, p. 449-484 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Recursion for Poincaré polynomials of subspace arrangements
    Debongnie, Géry (2011) Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin. Bulletin — Vol. 18, no. 1, p. 39-53 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Enquête sur la vogue de Moïse sur les eaux du Nil au XVIIe siècle
    Somon, Matthieu Guy Michel[UCL] (2011) Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée — Vol. 123, no.1, p. 221-251 (2011)
