Nieuwenhuys, Aurore
Mouraux, André
Verleysen, Michel
The objective of this paper is to contribute to the analysis of motor evoked potentials, by creating a suitable set-up for isolating them in research. Indeed, the main difficulty regarding isolating motor evoked potentials, is due to the overlap between motor information, with tactile, proprioceptive, visual and auditory information. An additional likely major difficulty, is the temporal fluctuations of movement, which blurs the signal in the frequency domain. To solve these overlapping problems, this thesis seeks to segregate the efferent motor from the afferent sensory component, via a comparison of cortical activity caused by active movements and passive movements. Indeed, it is commonly accepted that the only difference between these two movements, is the motor information generated by the cortex during active movement. Therefore, a comparison of cortical activity during active and passive movements, could allow isolating the motor evoked potentials.

Bibliographic reference |
Nieuwenhuys, Aurore. EEG frequency tagging to study active and passive rhythmic movements. Ecole polytechnique de Louvain, Université catholique de Louvain, 2016. Prom. : Mouraux, André ; Verleysen, Michel. |
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