Colard, Pierre-Olivier
Huynen, Isabelle
Piraux, Luc
This work aims to study the ferromagnetic resonance absorption of microwave electromagnetic signals using ferromagnetic nanowires grown in nanoporous alumina membranes. Two different types of NiCo nanowires with more nickel or more cobalt content are compared on the basis of their magnetic properties and their filtering capabilities. Specific characteristics of the materials are extracted as well as general conclusions. Particularly, an absorption of more than 99% is shown using high nickel content NiCo nanowires. The fabrication process of a microwave filter using a substrate integrated waveguide with ferromagnetic nanowires as filtering materials is discussed and the influence of the dimensions on the transmission is shown using finite-element analysis software and analytical developments. Finally, some experimental considerations for the general growing of nanowires in anodized alumina membranes and for the specific presented materials and processes are highlighted.

Bibliographic reference |
Colard, Pierre-Olivier. Study of the ferromagnetic resonance in arrays of magnetic nanowires for filtering applications. Ecole polytechnique de Louvain, Université catholique de Louvain, 2017. Prom. : Huynen, Isabelle ; Piraux, Luc. |
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