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DIAL.mem : UCLouvain Electronic Master theses
DIAL.mem is the institutional repository for the Master theses of the UCLouvain. It aims at archiving a digital copy of all successful Master theses. Access to those copies is given where both the student and the institution have approved it. DIAL.mem is part of DIAL “Digital Access to Libraries” – the gateway to the electronic resources of the UCLouvain Libraries.
Digital preservation and use of Master theses entail many advantages for their authors, the users, and the university:
- Greater promotion and 24/7 accessibility
- Direct and unique access for both the text and the appendices (in whatever file format)
- Advanced research options, including on the full text
- Environmental benefits and saving in stack spaces
- Struggle against plagiarism
In 2020-2021, all faculties participate in the digital filing of Master theses in DIAL.mem.
For an exact list, click on "All theses" and look at the "Degree" filter located on the left side of the screen.
More information on the contents and functionalities of DIAL.mem can be found in the FAQ (French only).