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Blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: A powerful tool in diagnosis of oxidative phosphorylation defects

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  13. Budde S.M.S., van den Heuvel L.P.W.J., Janssen A.J., Smeets R.J.P., Buskens C.A.F., DeMeirleir L., Van Coster R., Baethmann M., Voit T., Trijbels J.M.F., Smeitink J.A.M., Combined Enzymatic Complex I and III Deficiency Associated with Mutations in the Nuclear Encoded NDUFS4 Gene, 10.1006/bbrc.2000.3257
Bibliographic reference Van Coster, Rudy ; Smet, Joel ; George, Edith ; De Meirleir, Linda ; Seneca, Sara ; et. al. Blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: A powerful tool in diagnosis of oxidative phosphorylation defects. In: Pediatric Research : international journal of human developmental biology, Vol. 50, no. 5, p. 658-665 (2001)
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