Le Clainche, Christine
Tubeuf, Sandy
Public health policies typically assume that there are characteristics and constraints over health that an individual cannot control and that there are choices that an individual could changeifheisnudgedorprovidedwithincentives.Weconsiderthathealthisdeterminedby a range of personal, social, economic and environmental factors and we discuss to what extent an individual can control these factors. In particular, we assume that the observed health status of an individual is a result of factors within the individual’s control and constraints the individual faces. We suggest three different constraints: budget, time and psychological constraints and position various determinants of health according to increasing levels of constraint and increasing degrees of individual control. We finally discuss public health policies such as nudging, intervening and rewarding within this new framework and show that the level of constraints and the degree of individual control on health status are essential dimensions to consider when designing and implementing public health policies.
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Bibliographic reference |
Le Clainche, Christine ; Tubeuf, Sandy. Nudging, intervening or rewarding : A discussion on the constraints and the degree of control on health status. In: Politics, Philosophy & Economics, Vol. 15, no. 2, p. 170-189 (2016) |
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http://hdl.handle.net/2078/213453 |