Sgambi, Luca
Bontempi, Franco
[Università di Roma "La Sapienza"]
In this paper, several static and deformability parameters of a long suspension bridge are investigated using a genetic algorithm based approach. For each parameter, a genetic algorithm sets the worst loads combination considering both vertical and longitudinal loads. Ten thousand of different loads combinations are considered for each genetic analysis. In this way is also possible to investigate the global deformability of the bridge, using envelope diagrams consequent from the analyses. The power of modern workstations and the possibility of develop the analyses in an automatic way make effective and efficient this kind of analysis, increasing notably the reliability of the results that must support the performance based design of complex structures. © 2005 Civil-Comp Press.

Bibliographic reference |
Sgambi, Luca ; Bontempi, Franco. A genetic algorithm approach for performance evaluation of long span suspension bridges.CC 05 (Rome, du 30/08/2005 au 02/09/2005). In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 2005 |
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