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Streptozotocin-induced diabetes in large animals (Pigs/Primates): role of GLUT-2 transporter and Bêta-cell plasticity

Bibliographic reference Dufrane, Denis ; van Steenberghe, Mathieu ; Guiot, Yves ; Goebbels, Rose-Marie ; Saliez, Alain ; et. al. Streptozotocin-induced diabetes in large animals (Pigs/Primates): role of GLUT-2 transporter and Bêta-cell plasticity.8th International Xenotransplantation Congress/2nd International Symposium on ABO incompatibility in transplantation (Goteborg, Sweden, du 10/09/2005 au 14/09/2005). In: Xenotransplantation, Vol. 12, no.5, p. 416-417 (2005)
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