Dunbabin, Vanessa
[Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania, Australia]
Postma, Johannes
[IBG-2 Plant Sciences, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany]
Schnepf, Andrea
[University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria]
Pagès, Loïc
[INRA, Avignon, France]
Javaux, Mathieu
Wu, Lianhai
[Rothamsted Research, Devon, United Kingdom]
Leitner, Daniel
[Computational Science Center, Vienna, Austria]
Chen, Ying
[The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia]
Rengel, Zed
[The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia]
Diggle, Art
[The University of Western Australia, Bentley, Australia]
Background three–dimensional root architectural models emerged in the late 1980s, providing an opportunity to conceptualise and investigate that all important part of plants that is typically hidden and difficult to measure and study. These models have progressed from representing pre–defined root architectural arrangements, to simulating root growth in response to heterogeneous soil environments. This was done through incorporating soil properties and more complete descriptions of plant function, moving into the realm of functional-structural plant modelling. Modelling studies are often designed to
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