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Non-differentiable transformations preserving stochastic dominance

  1. Chen Joseph Y., Miller Bruce L., On the Relative Performance of Linear vs. Piecewise-Linear-Threshold Intertemporal Incentives, 10.1287/mnsc.1090.1048
  2. Denuit M, De Vijlder FE and Lefevre Cl (1999). Extremal generators and extremal distributions for the continuous s-convex stochastic orderings. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 24 (3): 201–217.
  3. Denuit M, Eeckhoudt L, Tsetlin I and Winkler RL (2012). Multivariate concave and convex stochastic dominance. In: Biagini F, Richter A and Schlesinger H (eds). Risk Measures and Attitudes. In: European Actuarial Academy (EAA) Series Springer: New York.
  4. Eeckhoudt Louis, Gollier Christian, Schlesinger Harris, The Risk-Averse (and Prudent) Newsboy, 10.1287/mnsc.41.5.786
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  12. Peluso Eugenio, Trannoy Alain, Preserving dominance relations through disaggregation: the evil and the saint, 10.1007/s00355-011-0612-8
  13. Sévi Benoît, The newsvendor problem under multiplicative background risk, 10.1016/j.ejor.2009.01.038
Bibliographic reference Denuit, Michel ; Eeckhoudt, Louis ; Jokung, Octave. Non-differentiable transformations preserving stochastic dominance. In: Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol. 64, no. 9, p. 1441-1446 (2013)
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