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Consensus Guidelines for CSF and Blood Biobanking for CNS Biomarker Studies.

  1. Teunissen C. E., Petzold A., Bennett J. L., Berven F. S., Brundin L., Comabella M., Franciotta D., Frederiksen J. L., Fleming J. O., Furlan R., Hintzen, MD R. Q., Hughes S. G., Johnson M. H., Krasulova E., Kuhle J., Magnone M. C., Rajda C., Rejdak K., Schmidt H. K., van Pesch V., Waubant E., Wolf C., Giovannoni G., Hemmer B., Tumani H., Deisenhammer F., A consensus protocol for the standardization of cerebrospinal fluid collection and biobanking, 10.1212/wnl.0b013e3181c47cc2
  2. Lennon Vanda A, Wingerchuk Dean M, Kryzer Thomas J, Pittock Sean J, Lucchinetti Claudia F, Fujihara Kazuo, Nakashima Ichiro, Weinshenker Brian G, A serum autoantibody marker of neuromyelitis optica: distinction from multiple sclerosis, 10.1016/s0140-6736(04)17551-x
  3. Klawiter E. C., Alvarez E., Xu J., Paciorkowski A. R., Zhu L., Parks B. J., Cross A. H., Naismith R. T., NMO-IgG DETECTED IN CSF IN SERONEGATIVE NEUROMYELITIS OPTICA, 10.1212/01.wnl.0000345066.57745.50
  4. Jarius Sven, Franciotta Diego, Paul Friedemann, Ruprecht Klemens, Bergamaschi Roberto, Rommer Paulus S, Reuss Reinhard, Probst Christian, Kristoferitsch Wolfgang, Wandinger Klaus, Wildemann Brigitte, Cerebrospinal fluid antibodies to aquaporin-4 in neuromyelitis optica and related disorders: frequency, origin, and diagnostic relevance, 10.1186/1742-2094-7-52
  5. Takano R., Misu T., Takahashi T., Sato S., Fujihara K., Itoyama Y., Astrocytic damage is far more severe than demyelination in NMO: A clinical CSF biomarker study, 10.1212/wnl.0b013e3181e2414b
  6. Reiber Hansotto, Dynamics of brain-derived proteins in cerebrospinal fluid, 10.1016/s0009-8981(01)00573-3
  7. Martino Gianvito, Grimaldi Luigi M.E., Moiola Lucia, Filippi Massimo, Martinelli Vittorio, Comi Giancarlo, Canal Nicola, Discontinuos distribution of IgG oligoclonal bands in cerebrospinal fluid from multiple sclerosis patients, 10.1016/0165-5728(90)90096-6
  8. Grant R, Condon B, Hart I, Teasdale G M, Changes in intracranial CSF volume after lumbar puncture and their relationship to post-LP headache., 10.1136/jnnp.54.5.440
  9. Kuntz K. M., MD E. K., Stevens J. C., RN P. M., Offord K. P., Ho M. M., Post-lumbar puncture headaches: Experience in 501 consecutive procedures, 10.1212/wnl.42.10.1884
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  11. Petzold Axel, Sharpe Lindsay T., Keir Geoffrey, Spectrophotometry for Cerebrospinal Fluid Pigment Analysis, 10.1385/ncc:4:2:153
  12. Berven Frode S., Kroksveen Ann C., Berle Magnus, Rajalahti Tarja, Flikka Kristian, Arneberg Reidar, Myhr Kjell-Morten, Vedeler Christian, Kvalheim Olav M., Ulvik Rune J., Pre-analytical influence on the low molecular weight cerebrospinal fluid proteome, 10.1002/prca.200700126
  13. Jimenez Connie R., Koel-Simmelink Marleen, Pham Thang V., van der Voort Laura, Teunissen Charlotte E., Endogeneous peptide profiling of cerebrospinal fluid by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry: Optimization of magnetic bead-based peptide capture and analysis of preanalytical variables, 10.1002/prca.200700330
  14. Peskind Elaine R, Riekse Robert, Quinn Joseph F, Kaye Jeffrey, Clark Christopher M, Farlow Martin R, DeCarli Charles, Chabal Charles, Vavrek Darcy, Raskind Murray A, Galasko Douglas, Safety and Acceptability of the Research Lumbar Puncture : , 10.1097/01.wad.0000194014.43575.fd
  15. Carson D., Serpell M., Choosing the best needle for diagnostic lumbar puncture, 10.1212/wnl.47.1.33
  16. Lewczuk P., Effect of Sample Collection Tubes on Cerebrospinal Fluid Concentrations of Tau Proteins and Amyloid   Peptides, 10.1373/clinchem.2005.058776
  17. Murillo-Rodriguez Eric, Désarnaud Frank, Prospéro-García Oscar, Diurnal variation of arachidonoylethanolamine, palmitoylethanolamide and oleoylethanolamide in the brain of the rat, 10.1016/j.lfs.2005.12.028
  18. Deisenhammer F., Bartos A., Egg R., Gilhus N. E., Giovannoni G., Rauer S., Sellebjerg F., Guidelines on routine cerebrospinal fluid analysis. Report from an EFNS task force, 10.1111/j.1468-1331.2006.01493.x
  19. Jimenez Connie R, Piersma Sander, Pham Thang V, High-throughput and targeted in-depth mass spectrometry-based approaches for biofluid profiling and biomarker discovery, 10.2217/17520363.1.4.541
  20. Narayanan, PhD Sheshadri, The Preanalytic Phase: An Important Component of Laboratory Medicine, 10.1309/c0nm-q7r0-ll2e-b3uy
  21. Scharbert Gisela, Kalb Madeleine, Marschalek Corinna, Kozek-Langenecker Sibylle A., The Effects of Test Temperature and Storage Temperature on Platelet Aggregation: A Whole Blood In Vitro Study : , 10.1213/01.ane.0000199399.04496.6d
  22. Lomholt Anne F., Frederiksen Camilla B., Christensen Ib J., Brünner Nils, Nielsen Hans J., Plasma tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 as a biological marker? Pre-analytical considerations, 10.1016/j.cca.2007.01.022
  23. West-Nielsen Mikkel, Høgdall Estrid V., Marchiori Elena, Høgdall Claus K., Schou Christian, Heegaard Niels H. H., Sample Handling for Mass Spectrometric Proteomic Investigations of Human Sera, 10.1021/ac050253g
  25. Chaigneau Christine, Cabioch Thomas, Beaumont Katy, Betsou Fotini, Serum biobank certification and the establishment of quality controls for biological fluids: examples of serum biomarker stability after temperature variation, 10.1515/cclm.2007.160
  26. Schoonenboom N. S.M., Effects of Processing and Storage Conditions on Amyloid   (1-42) and Tau Concentrations in Cerebrospinal Fluid: Implications for Use in Clinical Practice, 10.1373/clinchem.2004.039735
  27. Bibl Mirko, Esselmann Hermann, Otto Markus, Lewczuk Piotr, Cepek Lukas, Rüther Eckart, Kornhuber Johannes, Wiltfang Jens, Cerebrospinal fluid amyloidβ peptide patterns in Alzheimer's disease patients and nondemented controls depend on sample pretreatment: Indication of carrier-mediated epitope masking of amyloidβ peptides, 10.1002/elps.200305992
  28. Tuck Melissa K., Chan Daniel W., Chia David, Godwin Andrew K., Grizzle William E., Krueger Karl E., Rom William, Sanda Martin, Sorbara Lynn, Stass Sanford, Wang Wendy, Brenner Dean E., Standard Operating Procedures for Serum and Plasma Collection: Early Detection Research Network Consensus StatementStandard Operating Procedure Integration Working Group, 10.1021/pr800545q
  29. Carrette Odile, Burkhard Pierre R., Hughes Severine, Hochstrasser Denis F., Sanchez Jean-Charles, Truncated cystatin C in cerebrospiral fluid: Technical artefact or biological process?, 10.1002/pmic.200402039
  30. Garton M.J., Keir G., Lakshmi M.Vijaya, Thompson E.J., Age-related changes in cerebrospinal fluid protein concentrations, 10.1016/0022-510x(91)90218-v
  31. Moulds Joann M, Ethnic diversity of class III genes in autoimmune disease, 10.2741/a660
  32. Rinker J. R., Trinkaus K., Naismith R. T., Cross A. H., Higher IgG index found in African Americans versus Caucasians with multiple sclerosis, 10.1212/01.wnl.0000265057.79843.d9
  33. Frequin S. T. F. M., Barkhof F., Lamers K. J. B., Hommes O. R., Borm G. F., CSF myelin basic protein, IgG and IgM levels in 101 MS patients before and after treatment with high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone, 10.1111/j.1600-0404.1992.tb05088.x
  34. Rieckmann Peter, Altenhofen Bernd, Riegel Antje, Kallmann Boris, Felgenhauer K, Correlation of soluble adhesion molecules in blood and cerebrospinal fluid with magnetic resonance imaging activity in patients with multiple sclerosis, 10.1177/135245859800400317
  35. Piccolo G., Franciotta D. M., Camana C., Bergamaschi R., Banfi P., Sandrini G., Citterio A., Devic's neuromyelitis optica: long-term follow-up and serial CSF findings in two cases, 10.1007/bf00314631
  36. Bergamaschi R, Tonietti S, Franciotta D, Candeloro E, Tavazzi E, Piccolo G, Romani A, Cosi V, Oligoclonal bands in Devic’s neuromyelitis optica and multiple sclerosis: differences in repeated cerebrospinal fluid examinations, 10.1191/1352458504ms988oa
  37. Andersson M., Alvarez-Cermeno J., Bernardi G., Cogato I., Fredman P., Frederiksen J., Fredrikson S., Gallo P., Grimaldi L. M., Gronning M., Keir G., Lamers K., Link H., Magalhaes A., Massaro A. R., Ohman S., Reiber H., Ronnback L., Schluep M., Schuller E., Sindic C. J. M., Thompson E. J., Trojano M., Wurster U., Cerebrospinal fluid in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis: a consensus report., 10.1136/jnnp.57.8.897
  38. Freedman Mark S., Thompson Edward J., Deisenhammer Florian, Giovannoni Gavin, Grimsley Guy, Keir Geoffrey, Öhman Sten, Racke Michael K., Sharief Mohammad, Sindic Christian J. M., Sellebjerg Finn, Tourtellotte Wallace W., Recommended Standard of Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis in the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis : A Consensus Statement, 10.1001/archneur.62.6.865
Bibliographic reference Teunissen, Charlotte E ; Tumani, Hayrettin ; Bennett, Jeffrey L ; Berven, Frode S ; Brundin, Lou ; et. al. Consensus Guidelines for CSF and Blood Biobanking for CNS Biomarker Studies.. In: Multiple Sclerosis International, Vol. 2011, p. 246412 (2011)
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