Roda Neve, Cesar
Raskin, Jean-Pierre
The reduction of Photo-Induced excess carriers of a coplanar waveguide photo-induced RF switch on High Resistivity Silicon substrate is presented. Experimental results from 40 MHz to 40 GHz demonstrate the important reduction of transmission line losses and optical crosstalk obtained by introducing a trap-rich passivation layer (Polysilicon and crystallized amorphous silicon) at the interface between the HR-Si and the field oxide. An optimal design for future photo-induced switches is proposed. By locally removing the passivation layer we can ensure the reduction of the interconnection line losses and optical crosstalk while maintaining an acceptable efficiency for the optical RF switch.

Bibliographic reference |
Roda Neve, Cesar ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. Optical crosstalk reduction in optically controlled microwave circuits on HR-Si using a trap-rich passivation layer.The 12th Annual Symposium of the IEEE LEOS (Lasers and Electro-Optics Society), Benelux Chapter (Brussels, Belgium, du 17/12/2007 au 18/12/2007). In: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Symposium of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux chapter, 2007, p.pp. 251-254 |
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