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The Simplified Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) : validation of a clinical prognostic model for pulmonary embolism.

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  4. Aujesky Drahomir, Obrosky D. Scott, Stone Roslyn A., Auble Thomas E., Perrier Arnaud, Cornuz Jacques, Roy Pierre-Marie, Fine Michael J., A Prediction Rule to Identify Low-Risk Patients With Pulmonary Embolism, 10.1001/archinte.166.2.169
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  7. Jiménez David, Simplification of the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index for Prognostication in Patients With Acute Symptomatic Pulmonary Embolism, 10.1001/archinternmed.2010.199
  8. Righini Marc, Le Gal Grégoire, Aujesky Drahomir, Roy Pierre-Marie, Sanchez Olivier, Verschuren Franck, Rutschmann Olivier, Nonent Michel, Cornuz Jacques, Thys Frédéric, Le Manach Cédric Petit, Revel Marie-Pierre, Poletti Pierre-Alexandre, Meyer Guy, Mottier Dominique, Perneger Thomas, Bounameaux Henri, Perrier Arnaud, Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism by multidetector CT alone or combined with venous ultrasonography of the leg: a randomised non-inferiority trial, 10.1016/s0140-6736(08)60594-2
Bibliographic reference Righini, M. ; Roy, P.-M. ; Meyer, G. ; Verschuren, Franck ; Aujesky, D. ; et. al. The Simplified Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) : validation of a clinical prognostic model for pulmonary embolism.. In: Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Vol. 9, no. 10, p. 2115-2117 (2011)
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