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Displaying 1 - 25 of 258 results.


    • Journal article
    Socio-economic status and enrollment in higher education: do costs matter?
    Declercq, Koen[USL-B] Verboven, Frank (2015) Education Economics — Vol. 23, no.5, p. 532-556 (2015)
    • Journal article
    R&D network formation with myopic and farsighted firms
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] Sempere-Monerris, Jose J. Vannetelbosch, Vincent[UCL] (2023) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization — Vol. 208, p. 203-229 (2023)
    • Journal article
    Preface to the Special issue on “Group Formation and Farsightedness”
    Bloch, Francis Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] Vannetelbosch, Vincent[UCL] (2023) Dynamic Games and Applications — Vol. 13, p. 435-439 (2023)
    • Journal article
    Should higher education be subsidised more?
    Koen Declercq[USL-B] Erwin Ooghe (2023) Economic Policy — (2023)
    • Journal article
    Key players in network‐oriented interventions
    Atay, Ata Mauleon, Ana[UCL] Schopohl, Simon Vannetelbosch, Vincent[UCL] (2023) Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination — Vol. 18, p. 879-907 (2023)
    • Journal article
    Risk management practices of central counterparties: European vs. third-country CCPs
    Priem, Randy[USL-B] Girard, Alexandre[USL-B] (2022) Journal of Insurance and Financial Management — Vol. 6, no.2, p. 125-161 (2022)
    • Journal article
    Coordination on networks with farsighted and myopic agents
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] Schopohl, Simon Taalaibekova, Akylai Vannetelbosch, Vincent[UCL] (2022) International Journal of Game Theory — Vol. 51, p. 509–536 (2022)
    • Journal article
    Sustainability and the Environmental Kuznets Curve Conjecture: An Introduction
    Hamaide, Bertrand[USL-B] (2022) Sustainability — Vol. 14, no.12, p. 7372 (2022)
    • Journal article
    Social Rationalizability with Mediation
    Herings, P. Jean-Jacques Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] Vannetelbosch, Vincent[UCL] (2023) Dynamic Games and Applications — Vol. 13, p. 440-461 (2023)
    • Journal article
    Myopic-farsighted absorbing networks
    de Callataÿ, Pierre[UCL] Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] Vannetelbosch, Vincent[UCL] (2023) Theory and Decision — Vol. 94, p. 405-422 (2023)
    • Journal article
    Limited Farsightedness in R&D Network Formation
    Mauleon, Ana[USL-B] Sempere-Monerris, Jose J. Vannetelbosch, Vincent[UCL] (2023) Dynamic Games and Applications — Vol. 13, p. 549-565 (2023)
    • Journal article
    Électricité : est-il possible de contenir la hausse des prix ?
    Gautier, Axel[USL-B] (2022) Regards économiques — , no.174, p. 1-8 (2022)
    • Journal article
    Preferences and strategic behavior in public goods games
    Grandjean, Gilles J.[UCL] Lefebvre, Mathieu Mantovani, Marco (2022) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization — Vol. 195, no. 171, p. 171-185 (2022)
