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Displaying 1 - 25 of 29 results.


    • Journal article
    On the finiteness property for rational matrices
    Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Blondel, Vincent[UCL] (2008) Linear Algebra and Its Applications — Vol. 428, no. 10, p. 2283-2295 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Efficient algorithms for deciding the type of growth of products of integer matrices
    Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Protasov, Vladimir Blondel, Vincent[UCL] (2008) Linear Algebra and Its Applications — Vol. 428, no. 10, p. 2296-2311 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Distance distribution in random graphs and application to network exploration.
    Blondel, Vincent[UCL] Guillaume, Jean-Loup Hendrickx, Julien[UCL] Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] (2007) Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics — Vol. 76, no. 6 Pt 2, p. 066101 (2007)
    • Journal article
    On the complexity of computing the capacity of codes that avoid forbidden difference patterns
    Blondel, Vincent[UCL] Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Protasov, Vladimir (2006) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory — Vol. 52, no. 11, p. 5122-5127 (2006)
    • Journal article
    On the number of alpha-power-free binary words for 2 < alpha <= 7/3
    Blondel, Vincent[UCL] Cassaigne, Julien Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] (2009) Theoretical Computer Science — Vol. 410, no. 30-32, p. 2823-2833 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Joint Spectral Characteristics of Matrices: a Conic Programming Approach
    Protasov, Vladimir Y. Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Blondel, Vincent[UCL] (2010) SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications — Vol. 31, no. 4, p. 2146-2162 (2010)
    • Journal article
    The continuous Skolem-Pisot problem
    Bell, Paul C.[UCL] Delvenne, Jean-Charles[UCL] Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Blondel, Vincent[UCL] (2010) Theoretical Computer Science — Vol. 411, no. 40-42, p. 3625-3634 (2010)
    • Journal article
    Overlap-free words and spectra of matrices
    Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Protasov, Vladimir Y. Blondel, Vincent[UCL] (2009) Theoretical Computer Science — Vol. 410, no. 38-40, p. 3670-3684 (2009)
    • Journal article
    On primitivity of sets of matrices
    Blondel, Vincent[UCL] Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] olshevsky, Alex (2015) Automatica — Vol. 61, p. 80-88 (2015)
    • Journal article
    Solitaire Clobber as an optimization problem on words
    Blondel, Vincent[UCL] Hendrickx, Julien[UCL] Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] (2008) Integer: The Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory — Vol. 8, no. G04, p. - (2008)
    • Journal article
    Observable graphs
    Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Blondel, Vincent[UCL] (2011) Discrete Applied Mathematics — Vol. 159, no. 1, p. 981–989 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Pagerank optimization by edge selection
    Csaji, Balazs Csanad[UCL] Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Blondel, Vincent[UCL] (2014) Discrete Applied Mathematics — Vol. 169, p. 73-87 (2014)
    • Journal article
    On primitivity of sets of matrices
    Blondel, Vincent[UCL] Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Olshevsky, Alexander (2015) Automatica — (2015)
    • BookChapter
    Extremal matrix products and the finiteness property
    Blondel, Vincent[UCL] Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] (2010) Combinatorics, Automata, and Number Theory — [ISBN : 978-0-521-51597-9]
    • Speech
    Joint Spectral Characteristics of Matrices: a Conic Programming Approach
    Protasov, Vladimir[UCL] Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Blondel, Vincent[UCL] (2009) SIAM LA 2009 — Monterey Bay-Seaside, California
    • Speech
    On the complexity of computing the capacity of codes that avoid forbidden difference patterns
    Blondel, Vincent[UCL] Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] (2006) Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS2006) — Kyoto, Japan
    • Speech
    Is the joint spectral radius of rational matrices reachable by a finite product ?
    Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Blondel, Vincent[UCL] (2007) Proceedings of the satellite workshops of DLT2007, Turku Centre for Computer Science — Turku, Finland
    • Speech
    Cruisable graphs
    Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Blondel, Vincent[UCL] (2006) Proceedings of the Journées Montoises — Rennes, France 06
    • Speech
    On the growth rate of matrices with row uncertainties
    Chang, Chia-Tche[UCL] Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Blondel, Vincent[UCL] (2009) 14th Belgian-French-German Conference on Optimization — Leuven
    • Speech
    The Continuous Skolem-Pisot Problem
    Bell, Paul[UCL] Delvenne, Jean-Charles[UCL] Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Blondel, Vincent[UCL] (2009) AutoMathA'09 — Liège, Belgium
    • Speech
    Observable graphs
    Jungers, Raphaël M.[UCL] Blondel, Vincent[UCL] (2007) Proceedings of the 26th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control — Lommel, Belgium
