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Displaying 6 results.
    • Journal article
    Progressive tubulointerstitial nephropathy with hepatic involvement in an infant.
    Henrot, B. Vermylen, Christiane[UCL] Caus, D Cosyns, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Gosseye, Serge[UCL] Verellen, Gaston[UCL] Cornu, Guy[UCL] (1990) European journal of pediatrics — Vol. 149, no. 5, p. 365-7 (1990)
    • Journal article
    Coombs-positive giant cell hepatitis of infancy: effect of steroids and azathioprine therapy.
    Brichard, Bénédicte[UCL] Gosseye, Serge[UCL] Sokal, Etienne[UCL] Buts, Jean-Paul[UCL] Gadisseux, Jean-François[UCL] Cornu, Guy[UCL] (1991) European journal of pediatrics — Vol. 150, no. 5, p. 314-7 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Urachal neuroblastoma: first case report
    Clapuyt, Philippe[UCL] Saint-Martin, Christine De Batselier, Philippe Brichard, Bénédicte[UCL] Wese, François-Xavier[UCL] Gosseye, Serge[UCL] (1999) Pediatric Radiology : roentgenology, nuclear medicine, ultrasonics, CT, MRI — Vol. 29, no. 5, p. 320-321 (1999)
    • Journal article
    Major Malformations in a Case of Infantile Myofibromatosis
    Michel, Marcel[UCL] Moulin, Didier[UCL] Ninane, J. Claus, D. Gosseye, Serge[UCL] Wese, François-Xavier[UCL] (1990) European Journal of Pediatrics — Vol. 149, no. 4, p. 251-252 (1990)