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Displaying 1 - 25 of 196 results.


    • BookChapter
    Product quality: An important challenge for mountain farming
    Peeters, Alain[UCL] De Longueville, B. (2002) Quality and promotion of animal products in mountain —
    • Speech
    Restoring abandoned field by transplantating keystone species in the steppe of La Crau (South-Eastern France).
    Buisson, E. Corket, E. Dutoit, T.[UCL] Peeters, Alain[UCL] (2004) 47th International Association of Vegetation Science — Kaila-Kona, Hawaii
    • BookChapter
    Relationship between aboveground dry weight and N, P and K concentrations in grassland species : A guide for the diagnosis of plant nutrient status
    Peeters, Alain[UCL] Van Bol, Vincent[UCL] (1993) In : Optimization of plant nutrition, M.A.C. Fragoso and M.L. van Beusichem (eds.), Kluwer Ac. Publ. —
