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Displaying 18 results.
    • Speech
    Radiative transfer models application to crop growth monitoring by SAR remote sensing
    Lucau-Danila, Cozmin[UCL] Defourny, Pierre[UCL] Della Vecchia, Andrea Ferrazzoli, Paolo (2007) 5th International Symposium on Retrieval of Bio- and Geophysical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications — Bari, Italy
    • Speech
    Impact of environmental factors and landscape components on Malaria vectors in South East Asia
    Obsomer, Valérie[UCL] Defourny, Pierre[UCL] Coosemans, Marc (2007) 32nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE 32) — San José, Costa Rica
    • Speech
    LAI retrieval from SAR data using top soil moisture estimated by a coupled hydrological-crop growth model (Topcrop)
    Lucau-Danila, Cozmin[UCL] Defourny, Pierre[UCL] (2007) 5th International Symposium on Retrieval of Bio- and Geophysical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications — Bari, Italy
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    Mapping and understanding rural land use dynamics driven by secondary cities thanks to the combination of remote sensing and social survey
    Peeters, Amaury[UCL] Bontemps, Sophie[UCL] Defourny, Pierre[UCL] (2007) International Conference of Framing Land Use Dynamics II — Utrecht University, The Netherlands
    • Speech
    Respective contribution of yield and area estimates to the error in crop production forecasting
    Defourny, Pierre[UCL] Blaes, Xavier Bogaert, Patrick[UCL] (2007) ISPRS WG VIII/10 Workshop 2006. Remote Sensing Support to Crop Yield Forecast and Area EstimatesInternationl Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences — Stresa, Italy
    • Speech
    Mapping land surface change by a statistically-based detection technique from 1-km resolution time series in Rondônia (Brazil)
    Bontemps, Sophie[UCL] Defourny, Pierre[UCL] (2007) 32nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE 32) — San José, Costa Rica
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    Mapping forest change in Borneo in 2000-2006 by a multispectral statistically-based detection technique with SPOT-VEGETATION
    Bontemps, Sophie[UCL] Defourny, Pierre[UCL] (2007) 2007 International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images — Leuven, Belgium
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    Identifying forest dynamics for change detection using multitemporal SPOT imagery
    Desclée, Baudouin[UCL] Defourny, Pierre[UCL] Bogaert, Patrick[UCL] (2007) 2007 International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images — Leuven, Belgium
    • Speech
    Bayesian data fusion: spatial and temporal applications
    Fasbender, Dominique[UCL] Obsomer, Valérie[UCL] Radoux, Julien[UCL] Bogaert, Patrick[UCL] Defourny, Pierre[UCL] (2007) 2007 International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images — Leuven, Belgium