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Displaying 1 - 25 of 4117 results.


    • Speech
    La place des bâtards dans les processus de vengeance et les guerres privées entre familles
    Musin, Aude[UCL] (2013) Filiation illégitime et bâtardise dans les sociétés médiévale et moderne. Famille et société à l’épreuve de la bâtardise. Normes, pratiques, représentations — Angers
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    Les lieux du dialogue et le dialogue comme lieu de rencontre chez Cicéron
    Mercier, Stéphane[UCL] (2013) Le dialogue comme genre et les lieux de la conversation dans la littérature européenne de l’Antiquité à nos jours (Dialogos/MSH/CELIS) — Clermont-Ferrand, France
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    Deep phylogeny of the amphipod super-family Eusiroidea
    Verheye, Marie[UCL / RBINS] Cédric d'Udekem d'Acoz (2013) 15th International Colloquium on Amphipoda — Szczawnica, Poland
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    The importance of niches' diversity in sustainable agri-food transition processes
    Cardona, Aurelie Bui, Sibylle[UCL] Lamine, Claire (2013) 4th International Sustainability Transitions conference — Zurich, Switzerland
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    Cosmologies, cadres normatifs et moyens d’action sur le monde. Gestion de l’offre de foi chez les Wayùu de Colombie – Norms, cosmologies and action on the world. Managing the offer of faith among the Wayùu of Colombia
    Simon, Lionel[UCL] (2013) 32ème Congrès de la Société International des Sciences des Religions : Rethinking community. Religious continuities and mutation — Turku (Finlande)
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    The Animal Knight: Continuity and Negation of an Anthropological Model in Medieval French Literature
    Sciancalepore, Antonella[UCL] (2013) School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures - Work in Progress seminar —
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    A hind as a mother, a bear as a brother. Animal knights in medieval French literature
    Sciancalepore, Antonella[UCL] (2013) Late Antique and Medieval Postgraduate Society Seminar —
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    Tracking nanoscale interfaces related mechanisms in materials using advanced transmission electron microscopy
    Idrissi, Hosni[UCL] (2013) International Workshop on Interface-dominated Materials — Bochum, Germany
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    Modeling the dynamics of the mammalian cell cycle and its coupling through the circadian clock
    Gérard, Claude[UCL] (2013) Interdisciplinary Symposium on Signals and Systems for Medical Applications (ISSSMA) — Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP), Paris, France
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    Recent Advances in TEM characterization of crystallographic defects
    Idrissi, Hosni[UCL] (2013) First North African School and Workshop on Electron Microscopy in Materials — La Marsa, Tunisia
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    European fisheries at the edge. The cases of the two small-scale artisanal fishing communities of the islands of Lampedusa and Fuerteventura
    Orsini, Giacomo[UCL] (2013) Sociology at Sea. Culture, Economy and Society in a Maritime Perspective — Department of Sociology, University of Zadar
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    Wien aroma modification by using the ATF1, ATF2 and ARO10 genes from non-conventional Saccharomyces species – Poster
    Stribny, Jiri Pérez-Torrado, Roberto Querol, Amparo (2013) EMBO Comparative Genomics of Eukaryotic Microorganisms: Complexity Patterns in Eukaryotic Genomes — Sant Feliu de Guixols, Gerona, Spain
