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Displaying 1 - 25 of 278 results.


    • Speech
    Stable adaptive algorithms for estimation and control of fermentation processes
    Dochain, Denis[UCL] Bastin, Georges[UCL] (1985) Modelling and Control of Biotechnological Processes —
    • Speech
    Nonlinear Adaptive Control Algorithms for Fermentation Processes
    Dochain, Denis[UCL] Bastin, Georges (1988) 1988 American Control Conference — Atlanta
    • Speech
    Performance of inhibition functions with total inhibition concentration
    Hwang, Y.B.[UCL] Dochain, Denis[UCL] Bastin, Georges[UCL] (1995) 6th Int. Conf. Computer Applications in Biotechnology — Osaka
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    Adaptive control of fedbatch fermentation processes
    Dochain, Denis[UCL] Bastin, Georges[UCL] (1988) IFAC Symposium on Adaptive Control of Chemical Processes —
    • Speech
    Adaptive estimation of microbial growth rates
    Bastin, Georges[UCL] Dochain, Denis[UCL] (1985) IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation —
    • Speech
    Tracking capabilities of adaptive observers for linear time-varying systems
    Gevers, Michel[UCL] Bastin, Georges[UCL] Mareels, Iven Dochain, Denis[UCL] (1987) Pre-IFAC Congress get-together "Current trends in adaptive control" —
    • Speech
    Experimental validation of a methodology for on-line state estimation in bioreactors
    Dochain, Denis[UCL] De Buyl, Eric Bastin, Georges[UCL] (1988) IFAC Symposium on Computer Applications in Fermentation Technology: Modelling and Control of Biotechnological Processes ( — Cambridge, UK
    • Speech
    On-line state estimation in bioreactors without kinetic modelling
    Bastin, Georges[UCL] Dochain, Denis[UCL] (1991) Biochemical Engineering — Stuttgart
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    Adaptive control of fed-batch reactors
    Dochain, Denis[UCL] Bastin, Georges[UCL] (1987) 4th ECB 1987 —
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    A PDE approach to the derivation of the Brayton-Moser form for power-shaping control
    Favache, Audrey[UCL] Dochain, Denis[UCL] Winkin, Joseph[FUNDP] (2012) 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC) — Orlando, Florida, USA
    • Speech
    Feedback stabilization of the operation of an hybrid chemical plant
    Simeonova, Iliyana Pochet, Yves[UCL] Dochain, Denis[UCL] Bastin, Georges Warichet, François (2006) 2nd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems ADHS 06 — Alghero, Sardinia, Italy
    • Speech
    Plant Growth Modelling : From Experimental Design to Modelling - The Arabidopsis Experiment
    Dochain, Denis[UCL] Maclean, Heather[UCL] (2016) DYCOPS-CAB 2016 — Trondheim, Norway, June 6-8, 2016
