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Displaying 25 results.
    • Speech
    SketchiXML: A Design Tool for Informal User Interface Rapid Prototyping
    Coyette, Adrien[UCL] Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] Limbourg, Quentin[UCL] (2007) Int. Workshop on Rapid Integration of Software Engineering techniques RISE’2006 —
    • Speech
    Rapid Prototyping of Distributed User Interfaces
    Molina José, Pascal Lozano Maria, Dolores Fernandez-Caballero, Antonio Gonzalez, Pascual Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] (2007) Proceedings of 6th Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces CADUI'2006 — Bucharest
    • Speech
    Towards Supporting User Interface Design by Composition Rules
    Lepreux, Sophie Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] (2007) Proceedings of 6th Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces CADUI'2006 — Bucharest
    • Speech
    The Comets Inspector: Towards Run Time Plasticity Control based on a Semantic Network
    Demeure, Alexandre Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] Coutaz, Joëlle Calvary, Gaëlle (2007) Proceedings of 5th Int. Workshop on Task Models and Diagrams for User Interface Design TAMODIA'2006 — Hasselt
    • BookChapter
    Ambientes de Aprendizaje Colaborativo Utilizando Objetos de Aprendizaje
    Munoz Arteaga, Jaime Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] De Lourdes Margain Fuentes, Maria (2007) Tecnología de Objetos de Aprendizaje — [ISBN : 9-789707-281011]
    • Speech
    ISATINE: Un Marco de Trabajo Para la Adaptación de Interfaces de Usuario
    Lopez-Jaquero, Victor Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] Montero, Francisco Gonzalez, Pascual (2007) Proc. of VIII Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador Interacción’2007 —
    • Speech
    A Method for Developing 3D User Interfaces of Information Systems
    Gonzalez Calleros Juan, Manuel Muñoz Arteaga, Jaime Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] (2007) Proceedings of 6th Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces CADUI'2006 — Bucharest
    • Speech
    Distributed User Interfaces in Ambient Environment
    Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] Mendonça Filho, Hildeberto[UCL] Molina Masso, Jose Pascual (2007) AmI-2007 Workshop on “Model Driven Software Engineering for Ambient Intelligence Applications” — Darmstadt
    • Speech
    Towards Method Engineering of Model-Driven User Interface Development
    Sousa, Kenia Soares[UCL] Mendonça Filho, Hildeberto[UCL] Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] (2007) 6th Int. Workshop on TAsk MOdels and DIAgrams TAMODIA — Toulouse
    • Speech
    The Beautification Process in Model-Driven Engineering of User Interfaces
    Pederiva, Inès Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] Espana, Sergio Panach, José Ignacio Pastor, Oscar (2007) 11th IFIP TC 13 Int. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT — Rio de Janeiro
    • Speech
    Trainable Sketch Recognizer for Graphical User Interface Design
    Coyette, Adrien[UCL] Schimke, Sascha Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] Vielhauer, Claus (2007) 11th IFIP TC 13 Int. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT — Rio de Janeiro
    • Speech
    Multi-Fidelity Prototyping of User Interfaces
    Coyette, Adrien[UCL] Kieffer, Suzanne[UCL] Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] (2007) 11th IFIP TC 13 Int. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT — Rio de Janeiro
    • Speech
    Towards an extended model of user interface adaptation: the ISATINE framework
    Lopez-Jaquero, V. Vanderdonckt, Jean[UCL] Montero, Francisco Gonzalez, P. (2007) Engineering Interactive Systems. EIS 2007 Joint Working Conferences. EHCI 2007, DSV-IS 2007, HCSE 2007 — Salamanca, Spain