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Displaying 2 results.
    • BookChapter
    Trajectoires terroristes : d'une tentative d'explication à la perspective d'une collaboration
    Slingeneyer, Thibaut[USL-B] Fourez, Graziella[USL-B] Cartuyvels, Yves[USL-B] (2021) Prévenir le terrorisme international. Les modèles européens de récompense des collaborateurs de justice — [ISBN : 9788824327176]
    • BookChapter
    Terrorist trajectories : from an attempt to explain to the prospects of collaboration
    Slingeneyer, Thibaut[USL-B] Cartuyvels, Yves[USL-B] Fourez, Graziella[USL-B] (2021) Preventing international terrorism. European models of rewarding measures for judicial cooperators. — [ISBN : 9788824327169]