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Displaying 1 - 25 of 551 results.


    • Journal article
    Crystal structure of the lysozyme from bacteriophage lambda and its relationship with V and C-type lysozymes.
    Evrard, Charles-Marie[UCL] Fastrez, Jacques[UCL] Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] (1998) Journal of molecular biology — Vol. 276, no. 1, p. 151-64 (1998)
    • Journal article
    Molecular organization of selected prokaryotic S-layer proteins
    Claus, H Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] Akca, E Debaerdemaeker, T. Evrard, Charles-Marie[UCL] Harris, JR. Schlott, B Konig, H. (2005) Canadian Journal of Microbiology — Vol. 51, no. 9, p. 731-743 (2005)
    • Journal article
    A Convenient Synthesis of 3,3-Dichloroazetidines, a New Class of Azetidines.
    Aelterman, Wim De Kimpe, Norbert Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] (1998) The Journal of organic chemistry — Vol. 63, no. 1, p. 6-11 (1998)
    • Journal article
    Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] Vanmeerssche, M. Dekimpe, N. Schamp, N. (1988) Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications — Vol. 44, p. 1585-1587 (1988)
    • Journal article
    A Novel Darzens-type Condensation Using Alpha-chloro Ketimines
    Sulmon, P. Dekimpe, N. Schamp, N. Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] Tinant, Bernard[UCL] (1988) The Journal of Organic Chemistry — Vol. 53, no. 19, p. 4457-4462 (1988)
    • Journal article
    Formation and X-ray structural characterization of the chiral and racemic forms of a bis-macrocyclic phosphoramide
    Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] Tinant, Bernard[UCL] Dutasta, JP. Mulatier, JC (1999) Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements — Vol. 155, p. 1-14 (1999)
    • Journal article
    Structure of Diethylmalonic Acid
    Dubourg, A. Rambaud, J. Delarbre, JL. Maury, L. Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] (1988) Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications — Vol. 44, p. 1987-1989 (1988)
    • Journal article
    [Structure du chlorure de (diméthylamino-3 propyl)triphénylphosphonium]
    Dubourg, A. Dantas, TND. Klaebe, A. Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] (1986) Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications — Vol. 42, p. 112-114 (1986)
    • Journal article
    X-ray Structure of N-isopropyl-3-methyl-4,4-diphenyl-3-butenamide
    Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] Tinant, Bernard[UCL] (1988) Societes Chimiques Belges. Bulletin — Vol. 97, no. 6, p. 471-472 (1988)
    • Journal article
    Structures of 9,9-dimethoxy-1-methyl-7-phenylsulfonylbicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-2-one(i) and 10,10-dimethoxy-8-phenylsulfonylbicyclo[5.3.0]decan-2-one(ii)
    Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] Carretero, Juan Carlos[UCL] Nemery, I. (1987) Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications — Vol. 43, p. 2146-2148 (1987)
    • Journal article
    Structure of L-stepholidine Monohydrate
    Wu, S. Tinant, Bernard[UCL] Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] Van Meerssche, M. Chen, YY. (1987) Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications — Vol. 43, p. 2126-2128 (1987)
    • Journal article
    Crystal-structure of 3-tert-butylimino-2,3-dihydroimidazo [1,2-a]pyridin-2-one
    Labbe, Gérard[UCL] Vanmeervelt, L. Brems, P. Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] (1987) Societes Chimiques Belges. Bulletin — Vol. 96, no. 10, p. 751-756 (1987)
    • Journal article
    Crystal-structure and Conformation of Short Linear Peptides .6. L-alanyl-l-prolyl-glycine Monohydrate
    Wu, S. Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] Tinant, Bernard[UCL] Van Meerssche, M. (1987) Societes Chimiques Belges. Bulletin — Vol. 96, no. 7, p. 515-520 (1987)
    • Journal article
    Structures of Lorazepam Isopropyl-alcohol Solvate(i) and Isoamyl Alcohol Solvate(ii)
    Rambaud, J. Delarbre, JL. Pauvert, B. Maury, L. Dubourg, A. Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] (1987) Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications — Vol. 43, p. 2195-2198 (1987)
    • Journal article
    Tinant, Bernard[UCL] Declercq, Jean-Paul[UCL] Van Meerssche, M. Leroy, Georges[UCL] Weiler, J. (1987) Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications — Vol. 43, p. 1782-1784 (1987)
