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Displaying 7 results.
    • Speech
    Long-run cost-benefit analysis of demand response for the European System
    Papavasiliou, Anthony[UCL] Mou, Yuting[UCL] (2018) 2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting — Portland
    • Speech
    An analysis of threshold policies for trading in continuous intraday elecltricity markets
    Papavasiliou, Anthony[UCL] Bertrand, Gilles (2018) 2018 15th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) — Lodz, Poland
    • Speech
    Coordination schemes for the integration of transmission and distribution system operations
    Papavasiliou, Anthony[UCL] Mezghani, Ilyes[UCL] (2018) 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting — Dublin
    • BookChapter
    A generalized nash equilibrium analysis of electric power transmission-distribution coordination
    Mezghani, Ilyes[UCL] Papavasiliou, Anthony[UCL] Le Cadre, Hélène (2018) e-Energy '18 : proceedings of the ninth international conference on future energy systems — [ISBN : 9781450357678]
    • Speech
    A generalized Nash equilibrium analysis of electric power transmission-distribution coordination
    Mezghani, Ilyes[UCL] Papavasiliou, Anthony[UCL] Le Cadre, Hélène (2018) e-Energy'18: The Ninth International Conference on Future Energy Systems — Karlsruhe, Germany