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Displaying 1 - 25 of 46 results.


    • Speech
    Hysteresis in 1D SCO compounds studied by Mössbauer probes
    Dirtu, M. M.[UCL] Rotaru, A. Linares, J. Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2015) GFSM 2015 - Nuclear Probes and Instrumentations — Jülich (Germany)
    • Speech
    Pressure-Temperature phase diagram in spin crossover systems: towards spin crossover based temperature and pressure sensors (poster)
    Jureschi, C. Codjovi, E. Linares, J. Garcia, Yann[UCL] Rotaru, A. (2013) 2nd International Conference on Advanced Complex Inorganic Nanomaterials (ACIN 2013) — Namur (Belgium)
    • Speech
    57Fe Mössbauer investigation of a new iron(II) spin crossover complex with a dissymetric ligand (poster)
    Boland, Yves[UCL] Herstens, P. Sucre-Reyes, O. Linares, J. Varret, F. Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2005) ICAME 2005 - International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect — Montpellier, France
    • Speech
    Spin transition in new Fe(II)-1,2,4-triazole chain compounds : a Mössbauer spectroscopy study (poster)
    Dirtu, Marinela[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] Nica, M. Linares, J. Varret, F. (2006) Training School on NMR, MRI, muSR and Mössbauer techniques — Pavia, Italy
    • Speech
    Temperature sweep rate and light intensity dependence of FORC diagram in 1D spin crossover compounds (poster)
    Rotaru, A. Linares, J. Garcia, Yann[UCL] Rotaru, G.-M. Graur, A. (2011) International Symposium on Advanced Complex Inorganic Nanomaterials (ACIN2011) — Namur, Belgium
    • Speech
    Counter-anion and solvent effect on the spin crossover behaviour of 1D Fe(II) triazole polymers
    Dîrtu, M.[UCL] Rotaru, A. Linares, J. Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2008) IAP Meeting "Powder synthesis at the nano- and microscale" — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
    • Speech
    Antiferromagnetism and spin conversion in Fe(II) 1,2,4-triazole chains (poster)
    Garcia, Yann[UCL] Dirtu, Marinela[UCL] Rotaru, A. Linares, J. Boukheddaden, K. Varret, F. (2007) GFSM'2007 - Conference of the French Speaking Group of Mössbauer Spectroscopy — Caen, France
    • Speech
    Numerical simulation of a device with two spinn crossover complexes : Application for temperature and pressure sensors
    Linares, J. Allal, S. E. Dahoo, P. R. Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2017) 6th International Conference ob mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences — Pafos (Cyprus)
    • Speech
    Towards imaging nano-domains in spin crossover single crystals by an AFM approach (poster)
    Chong, C. Berini, Bruno Boukheddaden, K. Codjovi, E. Linares, J. Garcia, Yann[UCL] Naik, A.D.[UCL] Varret, F. (2009) 5th International Symposium on Molecular Materials : electronics, photonics ans spintronics — Rennes, France
    • Speech
    Study of Fe(II) 1,2,4-triazole chains : antiferromagnetism and spin conversion (poster)
    Garcia, Yann[UCL] Dîrtu, M.[UCL] Rotaru, A. Linares, J. Boukheddaden, K. Varret, F. (2007) Journée de la Société Royale de Chimie - Chemistry, light and renewable energies — Mons, Belgium
    • Speech
    Internal pressure sensed by novel divalent anions in Fe(II) 1D spin transition compounds - A Mössbauer study (poster)
    Dîrtu, M.[UCL] Rotaru, A. Linares, J. Varret, F. Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2007) ICAME'07 - International Conference on Applications of the Mössbauer Effect — Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
    • Speech
    57 Fe Mössbauer study of iron(II) 1D 1,2,4-triazole chains - Antiferromagnetism and spin conversion (poster)
    Garcia, Yann[UCL] Dîrtu, M.[UCL] Rotaru, A. Linares, J. Boukheddaden, K. Varret, F. (2007) ICAME'07 - International Conference on Applications of the Mössbauer Effect — Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
    • Speech
    FORC Analysis of Ligth-Induced Thermal Hysteresis (poster)
    Jureschi, C. M. Graur, A. Rotaru, G.-M. Linares, J. Garcia, Yann[UCL] Rotaru, A. (2012) 6th International Workshop on Multi-Rate Processes and Hysteresis (MURPHYS 2012) — Suceava (Roumania)
    • Speech
    Hysteresis in 1D SCO compounds studied by Mössbauer probes (poster)
    Dirtu, M. M.[UCL] Rotaru, A. Linares, J. Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2015) 10th Internation Symposium on Hysteresis Modeling and Micromagnetics — Iasi (Romania)
