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Displaying 10 results.
    • Journal article
    Monitoring land-cover changes in semi-arid regions: remote sensing data and field observations in the Ferlo, Senegal
    Diouf, A Lambin, Eric[UCL] (2001) Journal of Arid Environments — Vol. 48, no. 2, p. 129-148 (2001)
    • Journal article
    Quantifying processes of land-cover change by remote sensing: resettlement and rapid land-cover changes in south-eastern Zambia
    Petit, C Scudder, T Lambin, Eric[UCL] (2001) International Journal of Remote Sensing — Vol. 22, no. 17, p. 3435-3456 (2001)
    • Journal article
    The causes of land-use and land-cover change: moving beyond the myths
    Lambin, Eric[UCL] Geist, Helmut[UCL] (2001) Global Environmental Change — Vol. 11, no. 4, p. 261-269 (2001)
    • Journal article
    Prediction of the impact of logging activities on forest cover: A case-study in the East province of Cameroon
    Mertens, B Forni, E Lambin, Eric[UCL] (2001) Journal of Environmental Management — Vol. 62, no. 1, p. 21-36 (2001)
    • Journal article
    A dynamic simulation model of land-use changes in Sudano-sahelian countries of Africa (SALU)
    Stephenne, N Lambin, Eric[UCL] (2001) Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment — Vol. 85, no. 1-3, p. 145-161 (2001)
    • Journal article
    Land cover changes around a major east African wildlife reserve: the Mara Ecosystem (Kenya)
    Serneels, S. Said, MY Lambin, Eric[UCL] (2001) International Journal of Remote Sensing — Vol. 22, no. 17, p. 3397-3420 (2001)
    • Journal article
    Impact of land-use changes on the wildebeest migration in the northern part of the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem
    Serneels, S. Lambin, Eric[UCL] (2001) Journal of Biogeography — Vol. 28, no. 3, p. 391-407 (2001)
    • Journal article
    Abrupt and periodic shifts in a marsh location and their impact on biodiversity and farming activities in Shompole, Kenya
    Lambin, Eric[UCL] Mertens, B (2001) International Journal of Remote Sensing — Vol. 22, no. 5, p. 711-716 (2001)
    • Journal article
    Carbon sinks and conserving biodiversity
    van Wesemael, Bas[UCL] Lambin, Eric[UCL] (2001) Science — Vol. 294, no. 5549, p. 2094-2095 (2001)