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Displaying 31 - 100 of 120 results.


    • BookChapter
    Les manipulations de la monnaie romaine au cours de la Deuxième Guerre Punique
    Marchetti, Patrick[UCL] (1976) Actes du 8ème Congrès International de numismatique (New York - Washington 1973) — [ISBN : 978-963-05-2055-3]
    • Journal article
    On the stability of plane Poiseuille flow of viscoelastic fluids
    Crochet, Marcel[UCL] Tackels, G. (1976) Acta Mechanica — Vol. 24, no. 1-2, p. 1-12 (1976)
    • Journal article
    Polynomial approximation of distributed lags and linear restrictions: A Bayesian approach
    Mouchart, Michel[UCL] Orsi, R. (1976) Empirical Economics : a quarterly journal of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna — Vol. 1, no.2, p. 129-152 (1976)
    • Journal article
    Bayesian full information analysis of simultaneous equations
    Dreze, Jacques[UCL] Morales, J.-A. (1976) Journal of the American Statistical Association — Vol. 71, no. 345, p. 919-923 (1976)
    • Dissertation
    La cristología de Hegel
    Brito, Emilio[UCL] (1976)
    • Journal article
    Further facet generating procedures for vertex packing polytopes
    Wolsey, Laurence[UCL] (1976) Mathematical Programming — Vol. 11, p. 158-163 (1976)
