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Displaying 1 - 25 of 206 results.


    • Journal article
    Analysis of the expenses linked to hospital stays: how to detect outliers.
    Beguin, Claire[UCL] Simar, Léopold[UCL] (2004) Health care management science — Vol. 7, no. 2, p. 89-96 (2004)
    • Journal article
    Estimation and inference in two-stage, semi-parametric models of production processes
    Simar, Léopold[UCL] Wilson, Paul W. (2007) Journal of Econometrics — Vol. 136, no. 1, p. 31-64 (Janvier 2007)
    • Journal article
    Nonparametric efficiency analysis: a multivariate conditional quantile approach
    Daouia, Abdelaati Simar, Léopold[UCL] (2007) Journal of Econometrics — Vol. 140, no. 2, p. 375-400 (Octobre 2007)
    • Journal article
    Semiparametric efficient estimation in dynamic panel data models
    Park, Byeong U. Sickles, Robin C. Simar, Léopold[UCL] (2007) Journal of Econometrics — Vol. 136, no. 1, p. 281-301 (2007)
    • Journal article
    Nonparametric stochastic frontiers: a local likelihood approach
    Kumbhakar, Subal Park, Byeong U. Simar, Léopold[UCL] Tsionas, Efthymios G (2007) Journal of Econometrics — Vol. 137, no. 1, p. 1-27 (Mars 2007)
    • Journal article
    Technical, allocative and overall efficiency: Estimation and inference
    Simar, Léopold[UCL] Wilson, Paul W. (2020) European Journal of Operational Research — Vol. 282, no.3, p. 1164-1176 (2020)
    • Journal article
    Hypothesis Testing in Nonparametric Models of Production using Multiple Sample Splits
    Simar, Léopold[UCL] Wilson, Paul (2020) Journal of Productivity Analysis — Vol. 53, p. 287–303 (2020)
    • Journal article
    Central limit theorems and inference for sources of productivity change measured by nonparametric Malmquist indices
    Simar, Léopold[UCL] W. Wilson, Paul (2019) European Journal of Operational Research — Vol. 277, no.2, p. 756-769 (2019)
    • Journal article
    Improving Finite Sample Approximation by Central Limit Theorems for DEA and FDH efficiency scores
    Simar, Léopold[UCL] Zelenyuk, Valentin[UCL] (2020) European Journal of Operational Research — Vol. 284, no. 1 August 2020, p. 1002-1015 (2020)
    • Journal article
    Fast and efficient computation of directional distance estimators
    Daraio, Cinzia Simar, Léopold[UCL] Wilson, Paul W. (2018) Annals of Operations Research — Vol. (2019)
    • Journal article
    Estimation of the Boundary of a Variable observed with Symmetric Error
    Florens, Jean-Pierre Simar, Léopold[UCL] Van Keilegom, Ingrid[UCL] (2020) Journal of the American Statistical Association — Vol. 115, no. 529, p. 425-441 (2020)
    • Journal article
    A Bootstrap Approach for Bandwidth Selection in Estimating Conditional Efficiency Measures
    Bădin, Luiza Daraio, Cinzia Simar, Léopold[UCL] (2019) European Journal of Operational Research — Vol. 277, p. 784-797 (2019)
    • Journal article
    Robustified expected maximum production frontiers
    Daouia, Abdelaati Florens, Jean-Pierre Simar, Léopold[UCL] (2021) Econometric Theory — Vol. 37, no. 2, p. 346-387 (2021)
    • Journal article
    Latent heterogeneity to evaluate the effect of human capital on world technology frontier
    Mastromarco, Camilla Simar, Léopold[UCL] (2021) Journal of Productivity Analysis — Vol. 55, p. 71–89 (2021)
