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Displaying 9 results.
    • BookChapter
    Les frontières solides du principe ne bis in idem : fondements et objectifs en droit européen et international
    Bernard, Diane[FUSL] (2013) Fondements et objectifs des incriminations et des peines en droit pénal européen et international — [ISBN : 978-2-87455-670-8]
    • BookChapter
    Le Statut de la Cour pénale internationale saisi par les Etats : un jaillissement du droit hors catégories
    Bernard, Diane[FUSL] (2013) Les sources du droit revisitées — [ISBN : 978-2-87455-562-6]
    • BookChapter
    Articles 8 of the StICTR and 9 of the StICTY. Concurrent jurisdiction
    Bernard, Diane[FUSL] (2013) International Criminal Law and Procedure, Annotated book — [ISBN : 978-2-8044-5238-4]
    • BookChapter
    Article 20 of the StICC. Ne bis in idem
    Bernard, Diane[FUSL] (2013) International Criminal Law and Procedure, Annotated book — [ISBN : 9782804452384]
    • BookChapter
    Article 17 of the StICC. Issues of admissibility
    Bernard, Diane[FUSL] (2013) International Criminal Law and Procedure, Annotated book — [ISBN : 9782804452384]
    • BookChapter
    Article 94 of the StICC. Postponement of execution of a request in respect of ongoing investigation or prosecution
    Bernard, Diane[FUSL] (2013) International Criminal Law and Procedure, Annotated book — [ISBN : 9782804452384]
    • BookChapter
    Articles 9 of the StICTR and 10 of the StICTY. Non bis in idem
    Bernard, Diane[FUSL] (2013) International Criminal Law and Procedure, Annotated book — [ISBN : 978-2-8044-5238-4]
    • BookChapter
    Article 1 of the StICC. The Court
    Bernard, Diane[FUSL] (2013) International Criminal Law and Procedure, Annotated book — [ISBN : 978-2-8044-5238-4]
    • BookChapter
    Article 95 of the StICC. Postponement of execution of a request in respect of an admissibility challenge
    Bernard, Diane[FUSL] (2013) International Criminal Law and Procedure, Annotated book — [ISBN : 9782804452384]