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Displaying 1 - 25 of 438 results.


    • Speech
    Development of new hybrid materials stabilized by tridentate heterocyclic ligands
    Oulmidi, Afaf[UCL] Radi, Smaail[UCL] Robeyns, Koen[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] Miras, H.N. (2019) International Conference on Advanced Materials, Nanosciences and applications (ICAMANA 2019) — Oujda (Morocco)
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    Invited speaker - Iron sensors of toxic industrial chemicals and pressure impacts
    Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2019) FUNMAT 2019 – International Conference on Functional Molecular Materials — Krakow (Poland)
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    New organic-inorganic material based on silica gel and NNN pincer ligand to coordinate and remove CuII and other heavy metals from wastewater
    El Massaoudi, M. Radi, Smaail[UCL] Ferbinteanu, M. Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2019) International Conference on Advanced Materials, Nanosciences and applications (ICAMANA 2019) — Oujda (Morocco)
    • Speech
    The effect of coordination compounds on the inhibition of corrosion
    Garcia, Yann[UCL] Radi, Smaail[UCL] (2019) International Conference on Advanced Materials, Nanosciences and applications (ICAMANA 2019) — Oujda (Morocco)
    • Speech
    Non-Covalent Interactions direct self-assembly of Supramolecular Metal-Organic Cages
    Liu, Cuilian[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] Singleton, Michael L.[UCL] (2019) IMCN PhD student’s day — Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
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    Coordination Driven Self-assembly towards Directional Construction of Functional Supramolecular Architectures
    Liu, Cuilian[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] Singleton, Michael L.[UCL] (2018) SRC 2018 – Chemistry of bio-sourced molecules and materials — Mons (Belgium)
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    Making use of iron sensors for environmental applications
    Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2021) ICAME 2021 — Brasov (Romania)
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    Invited speaker - Thermo and photochromism in N-salicylidene derivatives and iron(II) complexes with azole based ligands
    Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2014) 5th International Workshop on Phase transition and Dynamical properties of Spin Transition Materials (PDSTM2014) — Tokyo (Japan)
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    Invited speaker - Sensing temperature, pressure, alcohols and toxic industrial chemicals through coordination assemblies
    Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2018) 4th Mediterranean Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect — Zadar (Croatia)
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    Invited speaker - Thermo/photo and piezo-switchable iron(II) pigments
    Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2016) Iron in Functional Materials - Symposium — Hannover (Germany)
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    Invited speaker - Recent progress in thermo/photochromic and piezochromic spin crossover nanomaterials
    Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2016) International Symposium on Photochemistry and Thermochemistry in the Solid State — Namur (Belgium)
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    Invited speaker - The influence of the anionic sublattice dynamics on the spin transition of Fe(II) 1D 1,2,4-triazole coordination polymers
    Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2008) International Workshop, Phase transition and Dynamical properties of Spin Transition Materials (PDSTM2008) — Bordeaux, France
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    PLENARY LECTURE - Spin transition in polymeric compounds - new sensors
    Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2001) ICAME’01- International Conference on Applications of the Mössbauer Effect — Oxford
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    Invited speaker - Spin transition of FeII 1D triazole chains : hybrid materials and lattice dynamics
    Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2017) Multiscale Phenomena in Molecular Matter (MULTIS 2017) — Krakow (Poland)
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    Invited speaker - Spin crossover nanomaterials and smart iron sensors
    Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2019) 8th Current Trends in Molecular and Nanoscale Magnetism Workshop (CTMNM) — Rhodes (Greece)
