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Displaying 25 results.
    • Journal article
    Constraint effects in adhesive joint fracture
    Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Ferracin, T Landis, CM Delannay, Francis[UCL] (2005) Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids — Vol. 53, no. 9, p. 1951-1983 (2005)
    • Speech
    Substructuring FE-XFE approaches applied to three-dimensional crack propagation
    Wyart, Eric duflot, marc coulon, daniele Martiny, Philippe remacle, jean-françois[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Lani, Frédéric[UCL] (2005) 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering ACOMEN — Ghent, Belgium.
    • Journal article
    Measuring toughness and the cohesive stress-displacement relationship by the essential work of fracture concept
    Cotterell, B Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Atkins, AG (2005) Engineering Fracture Mechanics — Vol. 72, no. 6, p. 827-848 (2005)
    • Speech
    Modeling Friction Stir Welding
    Simar, Aude[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] de Meester de Betzenbroeck, Bruno[UCL] (2005) Invited Seminar at the University of South Carolina — Columbia (SC), USA
    • Speech
    The ideal strength of silicon: an ab initio study
    Dubois, Simon M-M[UCL] Rignanese, Gian-Marco[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Charlier, Jean-Christophe[UCL] (2005) Feynman Workshop — Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
    • Speech
    Parametric study of the plastic dissipation in the peeling of adhesively-bonded joints 9th
    Martiny, P. Lani, Frédéric[UCL] Landis, C.M. Kinloch, A.J. Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2005) Conference on the Science and technology of Adhesion and Adhesives — Oxford (UK)
    • Speech
    A multiscale approach for the simulation of cracks
    Wyart, E. Martiny, P. Remacle, Jean-François[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Lani, Frédéric[UCL] (2005) 11th International Conference on Fracture — Turin (Italy)
    • Speech
    Influence of a ductile interlayer on the toughness of hydrophilic wafer bonding
    Bertholet, Y. Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2005) Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Semiconductor Wafer Bonding; science, technology and applications, 205rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society — Québec City, Canada
    • Speech
    New on-chip testing method for ultra thin metallic films
    Iker, François[UCL] André, Nicolas[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2005) Euromech Colloquium 463 - Size dependent mechanics of materials — Groningen, The Netherlands
    • Speech
    On the stress-dependence of the TRIP-effect in multiphase steels
    Lani, Frédéric[UCL] Delannay, Laurent[UCL] Furnemont, Quentin[UCL] Jacques, Pascal[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2005) 8th ESAFORM Conference on material forming — Cluj, Romania
    • Speech
    Linking microstructure and high temperature ductility in aluminium alloys 6xxx
    LASSANCE, D. Schmitz, M. Delannay, Francis[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2005) 11th International Conference on Fracture — Turin (Italy)
    • Speech
    Fabrication and modeling of 3-D self-assembled SOI MEMS using plasticity features
    Iker, François[UCL] André, Nicolas[UCL] Proost, Joris[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2005) 18th IEEE International Conference on MicroElectroMechanical Systems - MEMS 2005 — Miami, Floride, USA
    • Speech
    CMOS compatible 2-D self-assembled MEMS in thin film SOI technology
    Iker, François[UCL] Si Moussa, Mehdi[UCL] André, Nicolas[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2005) Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale (U.R.S.I.) — Brussels, Belgium