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Displaying 1 - 25 of 448 results.


    • Journal article
    Optimal LQ-feedback control for a class of first-order hyperbolic distributed parameter systems
    Aksikas, Ilyasse Winkin, Joseph[FUNDP] Dochain, Denis[UCL] (2008) Esaim-control Optimisation And Calculus Of Variations — Vol. 14, no. 4, p. 897-908 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Extremum-seeking control of retention for a micro particulate system
    Favache, Audrey[UCL] Dochain, Denis[UCL] Perrier, Michel Guay, Martin (2008) Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering — Vol. 86, no. 5, p. 815-827 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Thermodynamics and chemical systems stability: The CSTR case study revisited
    Favache, Audrey[UCL] Dochain, Denis[UCL] (2009) Journal of Process Control — Vol. 19, no. 3, p. 371-379 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Long run coexistence in the chemostat with multiple species
    Rapaport, Alain Dochain, Denis[UCL] Harmand, Jerome (2009) Journal of Theoretical Biology — Vol. 257, no. 2, p. 252-259 (2009)
    • Journal article
    An entropy-based formulation of irreversible processes based on contact structures
    Favache, Audrey[UCL] Dochain, Denis[UCL] Maschke, B. (2010) Chemical Engineering Science — Vol. 65, no. 18, p. 5204-5216 (2010)
    • Speech
    Stable adaptive algorithms for estimation and control of fermentation processes
    Dochain, Denis[UCL] Bastin, Georges[UCL] (1985) Modelling and Control of Biotechnological Processes —
    • Journal article
    Some Properties of Conservative Port Contact Systems
    Favache, Audrey[UCL] Dos Santos, Valérie Dochain, Denis[UCL] Maschke, Bernhard (2009) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control — Vol. 54, no. 10, p. 2341-2351 (2009)
    • Speech
    Nonlinear Adaptive Control Algorithms for Fermentation Processes
    Dochain, Denis[UCL] Bastin, Georges (1988) 1988 American Control Conference — Atlanta
    • Speech
    Performance of inhibition functions with total inhibition concentration
    Hwang, Y.B.[UCL] Dochain, Denis[UCL] Bastin, Georges[UCL] (1995) 6th Int. Conf. Computer Applications in Biotechnology — Osaka
    • Speech
    Adaptive control of fedbatch fermentation processes
    Dochain, Denis[UCL] Bastin, Georges[UCL] (1988) IFAC Symposium on Adaptive Control of Chemical Processes —
    • Speech
    Adaptive estimation of microbial growth rates
    Bastin, Georges[UCL] Dochain, Denis[UCL] (1985) IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation —
    • Speech
    Tracking capabilities of adaptive observers for linear time-varying systems
    Gevers, Michel[UCL] Bastin, Georges[UCL] Mareels, Iven Dochain, Denis[UCL] (1987) Pre-IFAC Congress get-together "Current trends in adaptive control" —
    • Speech
    Experimental validation of a methodology for on-line state estimation in bioreactors
    Dochain, Denis[UCL] De Buyl, Eric Bastin, Georges[UCL] (1988) IFAC Symposium on Computer Applications in Fermentation Technology: Modelling and Control of Biotechnological Processes ( — Cambridge, UK
    • Speech
    On-line state estimation in bioreactors without kinetic modelling
    Bastin, Georges[UCL] Dochain, Denis[UCL] (1991) Biochemical Engineering — Stuttgart
    • Speech
    Adaptive control of fed-batch reactors
    Dochain, Denis[UCL] Bastin, Georges[UCL] (1987) 4th ECB 1987 —
