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Displaying 11 results.
    • Speech
    A Rotating Fluidized Bed in a Static Geometry: Experimental Proof of Concept (oral presentation + poster + proceedings)
    De Wilde, Juray[UCL] Wautier, Luc[UCL] Marin, Guy B. Heynderickx, Geraldine J. de Broqueville, Axel (2007) FLUIDIZATION XII, The 12th International Conference on Fluidization: New Horizons in Fluidization Engineering — Vancouver, B.C., Canada
    • Speech
    The New Concept of a Rotating Fluidized Bed in a Static Geometry (oral presentation + proceedings)
    De Wilde, Juray[UCL] Marin, Guy B. de Broqueville, Axel (2007) The 18th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena - ISTP-18 — Daejeon, Corée
    • Speech
    Speeding Up Gas-Solid Flow Calculations with Variable Gas Density (oral presentation + proceedings)
    De Wilde, Juray[UCL] Baudrez, Edward Heynderickx, Geraldine J. Marin, Guy B. (2007) Mathematics in Chemical and Biochemical Kinetics and Engineering - MACKiE-2 — Houston, TX, États-Unis
    • Speech
    Experimental Investigation of Rotating Fluidized Bed in a Static Geometry (oral presentation + proceedings)
    De Wilde, Juray[UCL] Habibi, Ali[UCL] Marin, Guy B. Heynderickx, Geraldine J. Ekatpure, Rahul de Broqueville, Axel (2007) American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) - 2007 Annual Meeting — Salt Lake City, Utah, États-Unis
    • Speech
    Fluidization in a Centrifugal Field Generated by the Tangential Injection of the Fluidization Gas in a Static Fluidization Chamber (oral presentation + proceedings)
    De Wilde, Juray[UCL] Marin, Guy B. de Broqueville, Axel (2007) The 2007 APS Division of Fluid Dynamics - 60th Annual Meeting - American Physics Society — Salt Lake City, Utah, Etats-Unis