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Displaying 51 - 150 of 494 results.


    • Speech
    Grain boundary versus transgranular failure in aluminium alloys
    Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] DUMONT, D. DESCHAMPS, A. BRECHET, Y. (2002) ECF14, 14th European Conference on Fracture — Cracovie (Pologne)
    • BookChapter
    MEALOR II : Damage Mechanics and Local Approach to Fracture. Preamble
    Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2023) MEALOR II. Damage Mechanics and Local Approach to Fracture —
    • Speech
    Mechanics of PEI-expoxy interfaces
    van Innis, Charline[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2023) 3rd Benelux Network Meeting & Workshop on Damage & Fracture Mechanics (BDFM-2023) — Antwerp, Belgium
    • Speech
    Active Plasticity Mechanisms during Hydriding of Nanocrystalline Pd Thin Films
    Amin-Ahmadi, Behnam Idrissi, Hosni[UCL] Delmelle, Renaud[UCL] Malet, Loic Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Proost, Joris[UCL] Godet, Stéphane Schryvers, Dominique (2013) 2013 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Symposium on Dislocation Plasticity — Boston, USA
    • Speech
    Micro-Macro modelling of the plastic flow of trip-assisted multiphase steel
    Delannay, Laurent[UCL] Jacques, Pascal[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2006) 12th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Applications — Halifax, Canada
    • Speech
    In situ TEM nanomechanical testing of antigorite suggest weak interfaces
    Cordier, Patrick van der Werf, Thomas[UCL] Lumbeeck, Gunnar Samaee, Vahid Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Schryvers, Dominique Idrissi, Hosni[UCL] (2018) Fall Meeting 2018, AGU - Session MR43A : Tensile and Shear Dynamic Rupturing Across Multiple Scales: Precursory Deformation — Washington, D.C., USA
    • Speech
    Parametric study of the plastic dissipation in the peeling of adhesively-bonded joints 9th
    Martiny, P. Lani, Frédéric[UCL] Landis, C.M. Kinloch, A.J. Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2005) Conference on the Science and technology of Adhesion and Adhesives — Oxford (UK)
    • Speech
    Effect of hydriding on nanoscale plasticity mechanisms in nanocrystalline palladium thin films
    Amin-Ahmadi, B. Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2015) Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development IV — Albufeira, Portugal
    • Speech
    Void coalescence through internal necking: Thomason's criterion revisited
    Tekoglu, Cihan Attari, Sanaz Leblond, Jean-Baptiste Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2014) 16th International Conference on Machine Design and Production — Izmir, Turkey
    • Speech
    Crack velocity dependent toughness in rate dependent materials
    Landis, C. Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Hutchinson, J.W. (2001) Advances in Fracture Research - 10th International Congress on Fracture — Honolulu
    • Speech
    An extended model for void growth and coalescence - application to anisotropic ductile fracture
    Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2001) 4th international ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming — Liège
    • Speech
    Multisite modeling of strain heterogeneity in multiphase polycrystals - Evaluation based on CPFEM and experiment
    Delannay, Laurent[UCL] Resk, Heba[UCL] Yerra Sampath, Kumar[UCL] Martin, G. Brassart, Laurence[UCL] Willemet, Marie[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2010) Fifth International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling - MMM2010 — Freiburg, Germany
    • Speech
    Ténacité et propagation sous-critique de fissure dans les couches minces de dioxyde de silicium et de nitrure de silicium
    Jaddi, Sahar[UCL] Coulombier, Michaël[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2020) Aussois 2020 - Contraintes résiduelles: de nouveaux outils pour de nouveaux défis — Aussois, France
    • Speech
    On the characterisation and optimisation of the resistance to crack initiation and propagation of dual phase steels
    Pierman, Anne-Pascale[UCL] Tekoglu, C.[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Jacques, Pascal[UCL] (2009) Thermec'2009 - International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials — Berlin, Germany
    • Speech
    Expériences de traction in situ sous irradiation : application aux alliages de zirconium et de cuivre
    Khiara, N. Dupuy, L. Onimus, F. Crocombette, J.-P. Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] (2019) 63ièmes journées du GUMP (Groupe des Utilisateurs de Microscopie électronique Philips-FEI) — CSNSM/JANNuS-Orsay, Orsay (France)
    • Speech
    Giant ductility of ZrNi thin freestanding metallic glass films
    Ghidelli, M. Gravier, S. Djemia, P. Coulombier, M. Vayrette, R. Raskin, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2015) 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference – ESMC’15 — Madrid (Spain)
