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Displaying 1 - 25 of 441 results.


    • BookChapter
    Influence of endothelium and cyclic GMP on alpha-adrenoceptors
    Godfraind, Theophile[UCL] Alosachie, I. (1988) Vasodilatation: Vascular Smooth Muscle, Peptides, Autonomic Nerves and Endothelium —
    • Dissertation
    Essays on credit contracts
    Chau, Fernando[UCL] (1988)
    • Speech
    Nonlinear Adaptive Control Algorithms for Fermentation Processes
    Dochain, Denis[UCL] Bastin, Georges (1988) 1988 American Control Conference — Atlanta
    • Speech
    Adaptive control of fedbatch fermentation processes
    Dochain, Denis[UCL] Bastin, Georges[UCL] (1988) IFAC Symposium on Adaptive Control of Chemical Processes —
    • Speech
    Experimental validation of a methodology for on-line state estimation in bioreactors
    Dochain, Denis[UCL] De Buyl, Eric Bastin, Georges[UCL] (1988) IFAC Symposium on Computer Applications in Fermentation Technology: Modelling and Control of Biotechnological Processes ( — Cambridge, UK
