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Displaying 1 - 25 of 224 results.


    • Journal article
    Modulation of glucagon-like peptide 1 and energy metabolism by inulin and oligofructose : experimental data
    Delzenne, Nathalie M.[UCL] Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] Neyrinck, Audrey M.[UCL] (2007) The Journal of Nutrition — Vol. 137, no. 11 Suppl, p. 2547S-2551S (2007)
    • Journal article
    Implication de la flore intestinale dans le métabolisme énergétique
    Delzenne, Nathalie M.[UCL] Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] (2008) M/S : médecine sciences — Vol. 24, no. 5, p. 505-510 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Human gut microbiome: hopes, threats and promises.
    Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] (2018) Gut — Vol. 67, p. 1716-1725 (2018)
    • Journal article
    Gut Microbes and Health: A Focus on the Mechanisms Linking Microbes, Obesity, and Related Disorders.
    Rastelli, Marialetizia[UCL] Knauf, Claude Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] (2018) Obesity : a research journal — Vol. 26, no.5, p. 792-800 (2018)
    • Journal article
    Gut microbiome and health: mechanistic insights.
    de Vos, Willem M Tilg, Herbert Van Hul, Matthias[UCL] Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] (2022) Gut — Vol. online, no. Feb 1, p. gutjnl-2021-326789 (2022)
