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Displaying 13 results.
    • Speech
    Myopic or Farsighted? An Experiment on Network Formation
    Mauleon, Ana[FUSL] (2011) 16th Coalition Theory Network Workshop — Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
    • Speech
    Myopic or Farsighted? An Experiment on Network Formation
    Mauleon, Ana[FUSL] (2011) 7th Spain-Italian-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory — Université de Paris 1, Paris (France)
    • Speech
    Myopic or Farsighted? An Experiment on Network Formation
    Kirchsteiger, Georg[FUSL] Mantovani, Marco[FUSL] Mauleon, Ana[FUSL] Vannetelbosch, Vincent[UCL] (2011) 11th Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, SAET 11 — Ancao, Faro (Portugal)
    • Speech
    Myopic or Farsighted? An Experiment on Network Formation
    Mauleon, Ana[FUSL] (2011) 12th Annual Conference of the Association for Public Economic Theory, PET 11 — Indiana University, Bloomington (USA)
    • Journal article
    Connections among farsighted agents
    Grandjean, Gilles J.[FUSL] Mauleon, Ana[FUSL] Vannetelbosch, Vincent[UCL] (2011) Journal of Public Economic Theory — Vol. 13, no. 6, p. 935-955 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Hospital’s activity-based financing system and manager: physician interaction
    Crainich, David Leleu, Hervé Mauleon, Ana[FUSL] (2011) The European Journal of Health Economics — Vol. 12, no. 5, p. 417-427 (2011)
    • Journal article
    von Neumann-Morgenstern farsightedly stable sets in two-sided matching
    Mauleon, Ana[UCL] Vannetelbosch, Vincent[UCL] Vergote, Wouter[FUSL] (2011) Theoretical Economics — Vol. 6, no. 3, p. 499-521 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Networks of manufacturers and retailers
    Mauleon, Ana[FUSL] Sempere-Monerris, Jose J. Vannetelbosch, Vincent[UCL] (2011) Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization — Vol. 77, no. 3, p. 351-367 (2011)