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Displaying 23 results.
    • Journal article
    Advanced Ecological Farming Systems (E.F.S) based on best practices with Organic Farmers Pilot-Groups (March 1993-February 1997)
    Van Bol, Vincent[UCL] Peeters, Alain[UCL] (1998) Advanced Ecological Farming Systems (E.F.S) based on best practices with Organic Farmers Pilot-Groups (March 1993-February 1997) — (1998)
    • Journal article
    Choix et gestion de couverts herbacés dans les jachères et les tournières faunistiques
    Decamps, Christian[UCL] Peeters, Alain[UCL] (1998) Gibier faune sauvage — Vol. 15, no. 1, p. 117-129 (1998)
    • Journal article
    Relationship between soil chemical factors and grassland diversity
    Janssens, Frédéric[UCL] Peeters, Alain[UCL] Tallowin, JRB Bakker, JP Bekker, RM Fillat, F Oomes, MJM (1998) Plant and Soil : international journal on plant-soil relationships — Vol. 202, no. 1, p. 69-78 (1998)
    • Speech
    Influence of set-aside on the nitrate content of soil profiles
    Clotuche, P Godden, B Van Bol, V Peeters, Alain[UCL] Penninckx, M (1998) 1st International Nitrogen Conference 1998 — NOORDWIJKERHOUT(Netherlands)
    • Speech
    Set-aside and forage production : a new possibilities
    Clotuche, Paul[UCL] Peeters, Alain[UCL] (1998) Proceedings of the European Federation Symposium — Debrecen (Hungary)
    • Speech
    Couverts annuels nourriciers pour la faune sauvage à l'arrière saison
    Decamps, Christian[UCL] Peeters, Alain[UCL] (1998) Actes du XXIIIè Congrès de l'Union Internationale des Biologistes du GibierGibier Faune Sauvage — Lyon
    • Speech
    Species-rich grassland: diagnostic, restoration and use in intensive livestock production systems
    Peeters, Alain[UCL] Janssens, Frédéric[UCL] (1998) Proceedings of the European Grassland Federation Symposium — Debrecen (Hungary)
    • Speech
    Feeding selection at grazing of the American bison (Bison bison)
    Decamps, Christian[UCL] Peeters, Alain[UCL] (1998) Proceedings of the European Grassland Federation Symposium — Debrecen (Hungary)
    • Speech
    Methods for the assessment of a site potential in terms of plant diversity
    Peeters, Alain[UCL] Janssens, Frédéric[UCL] (1998) Proceedings of the European Grassland Federation Symposium — Debrecen (Hungary)